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i love 1911's but want to get a 9mm....so i figured i might check out this route
Four Seasons Firearms has a model (new) that they sell.
although I'm NOT sure of the name.
It's a double stack, single action 9mm 1911 w / neutred 10 round magazines.
I am a former DX189E owner, but it had the LDA trigger. It was double stack w / neutred magazines which means it was made AFTER the magic date.
if you google the model numbers, you can get a pretty good idea of what models are available in MA.
-not sure of what your state is... but we are limited in MA.
OK, I am confused. I would be very interested in a 1911 9mm that is legal to buy new in MA. To my knowledge, there is none. ParaUSA has a LDA 1911 9mm but they told me they have no plans (as of now) to meet MA's regs.So yes or no on this legal 1911 9mm? I just checked Para's site, and the model that I was thinking of is the 1911 LTC (9mm), Product number: PCX99R which is not available in MA.
thats the same place that made a stink about the ammo right??? the same place they do reloading in the back, package it out in the open in the front???? same place where they have some attitude sometimes when selling you a gun.... I went in there once... wasnt very pleased with customer service attitude I got.. Kinda got a holyer than thou attitude from one person, and almost completely ignored by the other... the ladies in the back making the ammo were nicer...
I went in there once not knowing any better, asked to see the guns in question... was given some kinda crap about not being able to touch them, even though i had LTC in hand... then was allowed to touch one... When I racked the slide to ensure it was empty and removed the magazine, nothing was said.. when i reset the slide after clearing the weapon myself.. i was scolded for allowing the slide to seat so harshly... i politely returned the weapon that i had cleared myself, told my buddy i was all set and left the store... Ill have Carl or someone else get me on or Ill go without before I make that trip again.
I contacted Para last year (I think) about this issue and was told that they had no plans to submit the LDA 9 for MA testing.i dont see any LDA 9s on this list....