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Every person who went to DC that day to be heard and to protest the FRAUDULENT election is an American hero.  Pardons are mandatory for them in my opinion.  I am certain that the founders of our country would be very proud of them.   WWTFD? (What would the founders do?)  Some of the most prominent founders felt that the citizens have an obligation to do what the J6 people did.  FYI, the founders may have been armed if they thought it necessary.  The action of perpetrating a stolen election goes to the very core of what this country does NOT stand for and should never tolerate.  If your vote is stolen then what is your recourse? President Trump has done the right thing.  Of course some of these people statistically will get picked up for something in the future which makes Trump's action all the more gutsy since the commie media will go ape if that happens.

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