Paxton repeater NES "chat" (not "net"?)


NES Member
Nov 8, 2005
Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Couple old timers on there now. Both complaining that not many people "are on" any more. Maybe some of you could chime in and mention NES.

Would be a good chance to see who can reach who and from where. If anyone gets on there in the next 10-15 minutes, I'll note it here if I hear you. I am still trying to work on getting license.
I forget which member shared it, but he seemed to be part of the crew running the class.

Get your license and see who you can reach and from where?

02-137 Amateur Radio Licensing
This course will prepare students to pass the FCC required
exam for the Amateur Radio Technician License No Morse
code or previous experience will be required for this course
The exam will be available to all students at the end of the
course After receiving a license, the student will be able to
communicate via radio with other licensed amateurs around
the world Communication via satellite and communication
with the space station can also be accomplished with this
license Licensed radio amateurs are also encouraged to assist
in providing radio communication services during various
disaster related emergencies The course will be taught by
licensed radio amateurs from the Quaboag Valley Amateur
Radio Club Topics will include:
•Basic Electricity, Components and Circuits
•Propagation, Antennas and Feed Lines
•Radio and Signal Fundamentals
•Licensing and Operating Regulations
•Amateur Radio Equipment
•Safety •Use of Radio Repeaters •How to get on the air
The Quaboag Valley Amateur Radio Club has received a
grant from the American Radio Relay League that will be
used to cover the cost of the textbook and exam fees for all
students. The grant will also cover the FCC registration fee
for all students passing the exam. 6 weeks/18 hours
Merton Kenniston has several years’ experience teaching
computer hardware and software to computer technicians.
He worked with The American Council on Education in
Washington to certify industry technical courses for credit at
MA community colleges and was a corporate training manager
for technical training at Digital Equipment where he managed
21 domestic & international technical training departments
Merton is an active amateur radio operator and holds Extra
Class amateur radio license, KC1KVA. He is also a registered
instructor with The American Radio Relay League.
Mondays, April 10 – May 22
(No class on April 17)
6:00 p m – 9:00 p m
Couple old timers on there now. Both complaining that not many people "are on" any more. Maybe some of you could chime in and mention NES.

Would be a good chance to see who can reach who and from where. If anyone gets on there in the next 10-15 minutes, I'll note it here if I hear you. I am still trying to work on getting license.
I miss 146.970 so much... since moving down south we have some guys on our local VHF repeater.. we mostly complain about the encrypted police down here... etc.. but its nothing as open as 146.970... ugh I miss it. I actually took care of a couple of the old timers many years ago when I was working in long term care in nursing. Rekindling my interest in older radio stuff.. which I never followed up on. I remember going on in 2000 and a bunch of old muppets yelled at me.. lol. Its one of the better 2 meter repeaters analog and simple.
I forget which member shared it, but he seemed to be part of the crew running the class.

Get your license and see who you can reach and from where?

That was me. The classes start this coming Monday, not sure if there are seats available. The class is run by the Quaboag Valley ARC which maintains the Warren repeater (147.210). While a number of people use the repeater on a regular basis the only scheduled use is a weather net on Wednesday at 5pm. A couple of the net check-ins are new hams from the class we gave last fall.

Reception of the Paxton repeater is marginal at my QTH in Palmer due to terrain. A friend who's 5 miles further from me and at a lower elevation has no problem. Line of sight matters.
Coyote33 Did you enroll in the class?
Get your license, get a copy of Ham Radio For Dummies, learn to operate. All these postings are meaningless unless you get your license.
I'm trying to get a hold of CMARA. Allegedly, they might also have a class coming up, and they might be closer to me.
Coyote33 Did you enroll in the class?
Get your license, get a copy of Ham Radio For Dummies, learn to operate. All these postings are meaningless unless you get your license.
Did both of these. One class so far, off tomorrow night due to holiday. Got the Ham Radio for Dummies at the library. The local library had EXACTLY ZERO books on ham radio! I was astounded. Thought they would have tons. Weird.
Did both of these. One class so far, off tomorrow night due to holiday. Got the Ham Radio for Dummies at the library. The local library had EXACTLY ZERO books on ham radio! I was astounded. Thought they would have tons. Weird.
The FCC should just give you your license test-free for this extreme level of ham-flintiness. Love it!
You know, I don't know if I ever said thank you to Breslau, and the rest of the guys at QVARC. So, thank you for the great classes. I will be working on my general now in the fall/winter. Some final outdoor stuff, and holidays, but I will try to sneak in some practice tests along the way.
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