Pearce Magazine extentions


NES Member
Sep 2, 2016
North Kingstown RI
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I have a Glock 43 that I carry most of the time and for those that have one know that the magazines, both flat bottom and finger extention, are 6 rounders. I have 2 magazines that I've put the Pearce +1 extensions on and in both magazines there is no way I'm getting a 7th round into it. I can't tell if it's the design of the G43 magazines because from the reviews I see of the Pearce +1 in other firearms people seem to like them. I know it's a long shot but I'm trying to see if anyone else has the G43 and has tried the Pearce with any luck
i have used the pearce + 1 with no issues. I carried a g43 for years with that configuration. Also , just to verify, the floorplate insert is clipped in correctly and fully seated? If its not fully seated the other end sticks further into the mag and will not leave enough room for the last round. Good luck!
So I actually talked to a Glock guy at my range and he told me that the G43 has 2 different OEM magazines created by Glock. 01 and 02. Apparently the 02's were created after a government agency was complaining about magazine misfeeds. Luckily I have 1 of the 01 ( it was 1 that already had the pinky extension so I didn't try the Pearce on it). So I put the Pearce on it and it actually worked! Unfortunately for me the other 5 OEM's I have are 02. Figures. I only have 1 more Pearce so maybe 1 day I'll get lucky and track down another 01
Did they perhaps update the extension? Pearce's website says the +1 works with both mags, 01 and 02.
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