Picked up my new 1911 this morning

Apr 30, 2007
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Here it is:


It is a Remsport Match Officer's model. The frame and slide are made out of carbon steel. The finish is black oxide (I think). I picked this up from John at Remsport Mfg. I must say that the quality of craftsmanship is very high. I would highly recommend Remsport to anyone interested in getting a custom 1911. If you talk to John he can probably hook you up with any configuration you can think of. My next build after this is probably going to be an officer's frame with a commander slide. Or perhaps the other way around. [wink]

Now I just need to find the time to sit down and start putting this baby together. I am sure there will be some fitting required.

Wish me luck. [smile]
I must get one for myself.

You used a different trigger tho...
I think the holes would have added a bit of visual interest.

Still, that is one nice pistol.
You used a different trigger tho...
I think the holes would have added a bit of visual interest.

Still, that is one nice pistol.

Yes, I went with a different trigger. While I like the three holes in the original one, I do not like the groves on the front of it. They tend to give me blisters after a long shooting session. This is why I went with a smooth trigger. I have actually considered drilling a couple of holes but was worried about screwing up the overtravel pin hole by doing that. I also blackened the previously silver surface of the trigger. I am not sure how I feel about the result yet.

Different grips as well as different trigger. Different pistol altogether?

No, just the trigger and grips were changed. I was actually going to use slim grips from VZGrips.com but I didn't have the right size bushings.
Just a little note about John at Remsport.
John is the same John as the JDL Sales John
If anyone is looking for that John contact Remsport Mfg.
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