Jan 2, 2010
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Hi Michael,
My, how time flies… We’re just three months away from the 2022 Pin Shoot!
What’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? How about watching 400 grain S&W 500 rounds smash pins 15 feet in the air as shooters compete in the Big Push event? Or, how about watching the Master Blaster shoot offs as the best of the best go head to head in a single elimination format?
The limitless entertainment offered at the Pin Shoot is unique to the world of shooting sports. So if you haven’t signed up yet, do it now to take advantage of 50% discounts on all Optional Events! Offer ends March 31st.
When registering you must sign up for at least one 5-Pin Main Event: Stock, Pin, Space or Concealed Carry. You can then purchase limitless runs on our optional events:
  • Shotgun
  • Revolver
  • 9x12
  • Big Push
  • Pistol Caliber Carbine
  • Slug Fest 12x8
  • Ruger .22
  • LRPF
  • .223x39 (2 person team)
  • 2 Person Team
  • 3 Person Team
  • .22 Pin Head (50/50 cash competition)
In these events best individual runs win and it’s always a blast (pun intended) to watch competitors jockey for position as the week stretches on. A complete list of divisions and events can be found on our events page
For newcomers, when signing up for Optional Events you are buying credits in the form of our (always hilarious) Pin Shoot currency known as “Davis Dough.”
You will receive your pre-purchased Davis Dough in your Registration Packet and you’ll be able to rebuy at full prices during the Pin Shoot. Think of it like beer tokens at your local brew fest. You can redeem your Davis Dough during event sign up on the main range throughout the Pin Shoot. Please note that all Davis Dough expires at the end of the Pin Shoot so be sure to use it up!
Enough with the fine print, now let’s get you registered!
If you have any questions feel free to reach out. You can also check out the full website at
The Pin Shoot Team
Copyright (C) 2022 The Pin Shoot, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Pin Shoot, LLC
3220 Muckle Road
Central Lake, MI 49622
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April 20, 2022

I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you that what I consider the coolest of all shooting matches is coming up in June. Whether your choice is pistol or revolver, shotgun or carbine, there’s an even for you.
The Pin Shoot – formerly known as the Second Chance Shoot – became an icon among gun folks back in the Seventies. One scene of the book “Unintended Consequences” was even set there.
I always describe it (always, because I can’t think of a better description) as a carnival midway where all the games are live fire shooting, and you can win guns instead of kewpie dolls or stuffed animals if you shoot well.
There are bleachers for the audience. It’s a visual game: the targets are full size bowling pins, and watching them fly and being able to see in real time who is beating who on the firing line is addictive fun. During breaks when the pins are reset, famed Gun Guy Richard Davis conducts Trivia Quiz with the audience, with his own unique sense of humor. Lunch is served at the range, where you’ll find yourself among many like-thinking new friends, and will see a lot of faces you’ll recognize from the gun magazines, TV firearms shows, and YouTube.
Hope you can make it. The Evil Princess and I are always there; if you get to the shoot, look us up! For details go to
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