Plainville MA - BOH Presentation on Family & Personal Preparedness


NES Member
May 29, 2010
Feedback: 17 / 0 / 0
The Board of Health will sponsor a presentation on Family & Personal Preparedness on February 27, 2013 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Senior Center, 9 School Street, lower level.

The presentation will explain the basic information residents should know to prepare themselves and their families in the event of a natural or man-made emergency.

Topics and handouts will include:

Items you should have on hand to "shelter in place"
Items you should have in an emergency "to go kit"
Important phone numbers to call
Volunteer opportunities

All residents are welcome and urged to attend this informative session!

Please call the Board of Health office at 508-695-3010 Ext. 16 or Ext. 30 to register so that we may plan for refreshments and hand outs.

Walks ins are also welcome!

I like it, hopefully gets a few folks thinking about being prepared.

As a noob I started with prepping for 2-3 days (e.g. blizzard, hurricane). I no longer have to fight it out in the bread aisle at Stop and Shop and gas pump the day before. Currently I think I could last a month, questionable in the winter though so need to do some work there. Basically need a wood burning stove.

More studying and practice this year on various topics to extend my survival time. Overwhelmed with the thought of having "to go" as my focus has been "shelter in place"
If you do go, please report what they say.

IMO there's a difference between what the "official" line is, and what you may see as appropriate.

Make sure to ask what they consider the best chambering for your primary defense firearm. [laugh]

Haha, great points, I thought it's been officially decided 357 mag is the best chambering? [smile]

I will report back.
I like it, hopefully gets a few folks thinking about being prepared.

As a noob I started with prepping for 2-3 days (e.g. blizzard, hurricane). I no longer have to fight it out in the bread aisle at Stop and Shop and gas pump the day before. Currently I think I could last a month, questionable in the winter though so need to do some work there. Basically need a wood burning stove.

More studying and practice this year on various topics to extend my survival time. Overwhelmed with the thought of having "to go" as my focus has been "shelter in place"

You doing better than the average person out there on preps. Good for you!

Not sure what you want in a wood stove but start checking Craigslist late spring /summer. That's when people upgrade their systems. We got a nice glass front stove for $150.00. Some people have the stove pipe for sale too.
Ask them what the suggestions are for hunting, and for personal protection. They do admit that all these protections are supposed to be in place because "authorities" cannot get there right away.

Seriously, ask them, and make sure everyone hears what they say about self-protection. Time to put them on the spot, for real.
Hopefully they will also have a primer on NDAA so that the townsfolk know that if they store too much food they may be considered terrorists.
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