Plate Carriers

Apr 6, 2008
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Does anyone know of a place in the area that sells plate carriers for a reasonable price in stock? I have been looking at AR500armor but the dealer they list as local is closed. I have tried a few other places but have had no luck.

Any ideas or suggestions?
I've seen some in the Army Barracks store in Saugus Ma. You could give them a call. Depending where you're located I think they have locations in Salem New Hampshire and Conway.
There's a few legit, not many. But yeah I should've mentioned that. I bought both of mine from SKD. Online is going to be the best bet
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I don't know of anyone that does. What are you looking for and what's your price range?

I know it probably sounds stupid but I wanted to to use a tac vest for 3gun and a couple tactical matches. Figured if I was buying a tac vest I would get a plate carrier to go with it. It was suggested to check ar500armor cause they had great pricing. My concern is they don't allow returns so if their stuff is junk then I don't want to get it.

So what I am looking for a is molle tac vest/plate carrier, would like to spend no more then a couple hundred on it. I am not looking for pouches as I am going to do speed loaders.

Not trying to be mall ninja....
I don't think that sounds stupid at all.

For a couple hundred, skip AR500, Condor, etc.

I run an Eagle. Also check out Pretty much anything on there is good. Tactical Tailor makes a nice PC as well, my wife has one.

I've heard good things about Mayflower and Shellback if you don't want to break the bank.

If I was going to go crazy with an unlimited budget I'd get a SKD PIG or a Crye Cage.

ETA: look at this thread and subscribe. Lots of pics of carriers.
First off, ever wear body armor?

It isn't fun, especially when you don't have a choice, even with wooden substitute SAPI plates.

AR 500 is going to be worse. Yeah, they're heavy. I've used Interceptor Body Armor. Looks cool, weighs a ton, bulky as all get out.

Anything decent won't be even remotely cheap.

Now, I used a Tactical Tailor rifle vest over mine, it worked out pretty decent, have used it alone. Not heavy, had pockets for everything and was about $125-$140. They don't make this model any more, but they do make others.

If plates are required by the rules, that's different, you've got to use them then. But, if they aren't required, you might want to skip them.
First off, ever wear body armor?

It isn't fun, especially when you don't have a choice, even with wooden substitute SAPI plates.

AR 500 is going to be worse. Yeah, they're heavy. I've used Interceptor Body Armor. Looks cool, weighs a ton, bulky as all get out.

Anything decent won't be even remotely cheap.

Now, I used a Tactical Tailor rifle vest over mine, it worked out pretty decent, have used it alone. Not heavy, had pockets for everything and was about $125-$140. They don't make this model any more, but they do make others.

If plates are required by the rules, that's different, you've got to use them then. But, if they aren't required, you might want to skip them.

I think he's talking about buying just the PC itself to use for competition without plates, and maybe adding plates later.

If running just he PC, I would recommend buying some high density 1/4" neoprene and cutting two panels for each pocket. It won't add much weight, but it will make the carrier fit nicer than running it with no plates.
A lot of people just don't realize just how heavy some of it is.

Granted, mine was rifle rated, but my threat was rifles. And, my threat was potentially real. Almost got to use it in Afghanistan.
Yeah I want to just wear the pc, not the armor plates. I would like the the ability to add them later on so that is why I would like a pc instead of a cheap tac vest. I hope I would never need to wear the plates though, don't get me wrong I signed up for my hitch in the military. Unfortunately a heart defect stop that short and quick.
One option would be to get a chest rig of sorts that could be attached to a plate carrier later. Like the Haley DCR3. SKD and Mayflower also have similar models.


I picked up one of FirstSpear/SKDs plate carriers when they went on sale for Thanksgiving. Nice comfortable carrier, not real expensive but if you were running it without plates you would want foam or neoprene inside. Light as hell without plates.

I did add a set of their Pontoon pads to it Hasn't been warm enough since I bought it to see how much of a difference they make.
Yeah I want to just wear the pc, not the armor plates. I would like the the ability to add them later on so that is why I would like a pc instead of a cheap tac vest. I hope I would never need to wear the plates though, don't get me wrong I signed up for my hitch in the military. Unfortunately a heart defect stop that short and quick.

I would recommend a vest that can go over the plate carrier later, if you wish.

One option would be to get a chest rig of sorts that could be attached to a plate carrier later. Like the Haley DCR3. SKD and Mayflower also have similar models.

Like this!

There's a setup that can go over a carrier later.
I don't know jack about this stuff, but I saw that Patriot Armor is having a package deal on a carrier and two plates for $150, including some pouches. From what I read, it sounds like it's comparable to AR500 armor.

How much do the plates weigh? I was thinking of getting a weight vest for when I go hiking, but something like this seems way more practical.
Now that's a good idea - if you need weight plates I have some cheaper than real plates - training plates, not rifle rated. About $80 shipped. PM if interested, thx

And yes, not all plates are the same so I don't want training plates.
Plates can vary in weight significantly depending on the plate thickness used. I've seen .215" up to .281" for 1/4" plates. The range is usually 8lbs-12lbs depending on thickness and plates size/shape.
I don't know jack about this stuff, but I saw that Patriot Armor is having a package deal on a carrier and two plates for $150, including some pouches. From what I read, it sounds like it's comparable to AR500 armor.

Looked at their website after seeing this and that really looks like an awesome deal. Thanks for the heads up.
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