PorcFest 2014

Aug 27, 2007
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The annual Porcupine Freedom Festival is held at Roger's Campground in Lancaster, NH. This year dates are June 22-29. And the theme is DIY! I expect there will be lots of discussions/classes/etc that will appeal to the 'survivalist' in all of us. Check out the details here: http://porcfest.com

I highly recommend going for the entire week and get your reservation for the campground QUICK! The place is filling up fast! http://rogerscampground.com

There are lots of unofficial happenings as well. I have already been invited by friends to 2 potlucks and I will be holding my own breakfast potluck where I will be providing and cooking the eggs, bacon, home fries and english muffins (grilled) for friends. So if you are going to be there let me know and I will let you know when and where to show up for the best breakfast ever! (If I do say so myself)

There is also a One pot cook off contest on Thursday and a brunch cook off on one day.

Just a warning: Be prepared to make lifelong friends!
I don't plan to go, and I live 2.5 miles away.

Why? The ticket prices are insane, and there is no reasonable day ticket alternative.

*shrug* $60 for a whole week doesn't seem that bad, I agree a per-day option would be good but still... I wouldn't consider $60 insane I guess but that's just me.
$60 is pretty cheap. Early speech only tickets for two days at Liberty Forum were $125.

I wish I could go but schedule does not allow for it.
Will be there all week.

I will be hosting the session on tiny house building. Its scheduled for Tues at 5, but the schedule is likely to change.

Lot of cool sessions scheduled and only 2/3rds of them have been posted.
Joel Salatin was confirmed as the keynote speaker on Friday! He has been doing amazing things with sustainable agriculture for years. Well worth the ticket price IMO!


I am trying to see how many days I can go...even if it's just a couple I'd love to see some of events showcased. Price of admission is doable even if I go for two days.
I am totally stoked that Joel Salatin will be speaking!

I will be at tent site 62 so if any of you go, come find me! If I'm not at the tent site, leave a message! I will not have my computer with me so you will have to find me.
Any idea if non camping walk ins are allowed for a day and what the price is?

I sure wish I could go.
Any idea if non camping walk ins are allowed for a day and what the price is?

I sure wish I could go.

The guest pass fee at Roger's is $5 per person. The day pass at the gate for attending any PorcFest events is $45.

If I go, it will strictly to see friends, not for any of the official events.
I don't think you have to pay just to get into Roger's. I think the guest fee is for sharing a tent site.

There is always plenty to do and there is altexpo which takes donations and has some good things lined up also
I am totally stoked that Joel Salatin will be speaking!

I will be at tent site 62 so if any of you go, come find me! If I'm not at the tent site, leave a message! I will not have my computer with me so you will have to find me.

Thats awesome. He doesnt come cheap. What is he going to be talking about?
We stopped by today for a couple of hours. We didn't pay the day pass, since we weren't partaking in any official events and didn't park in the campground. We were just there to see old friends.

As a place to spot Celebritarians, it was awesome. At our first stop I said hi (again) to Ademo Freedom of Copblock and Motor Home Diaries; I'd previously met him and worked along side him a couple of months ago while helping a new family move to NH. I hadn't moved 30 yards past his booth before stopping to meet Scott Bieser of Big Head Press, author and publisher of awesome liberty-themed comics and graphic novels like The Probability Broach, Roswell Texas, and Quantum Vibe. And while standing there, I saw Amanda Billyrock, Jeffrey Tucker, John Bush, and even Vermin Supreme walk by, all separately, within the space of three minutes.

Before I'd moved another 20 yards, I met several people I'd only known on the internet for 10+ years. I got re-acquainted with friends I hadn't seen in person for eight years. I recognized a Facebook friend and shook his hand for the first time; he had flown in this week to close on a property up in Colebrook, which I had gone by to scout out for him in person.

We met NH natives who fully support the FSP and came up just for fun and to show their support.

The best part? Telling everyone that we live here now! [smile]

Oh, and gun related side note: a FB friend from Shaolin Rifleworks invited me to go out to the Dalton Gang range for their "Newbie and Machinegun Shoot" on Friday morning. So I drove out with a couple of .22 rifles, was welcomed and told to pick a lane, and had the absolute joy of letting 7 & 10 year old brothers from Brooklyn fire their first shots. And their mom, too! Dad has a NYC pistol permit, but of course no one else in the house can legally touch his gun, and can't even fire it at a range.

Other total newbies included a German, a guy from London, another from Ontario, a couple of tiny 65+ ladies from Connecticut, one guy from California, and a couple from New Jersey.

Thanks to all of you who came up. It's a huge boost to the Lancaster economy, especially to Shaw's, where I just started working as my post-retirement gig. [grin]
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I joined the FSP today. I've been interested in it for several years. Our recent vacation to the White Mountains sealed the deal for my wife and kids.

We're < 2 years away from moving to the Great Free State of New Hampshire.

Today is a new day, full of promise and potential.
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