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Let's define what a SHTF situation is. Zombie Apocalypse?

Commie Invasion?


Ice Storm?

Loss of employment?

Loss of a spouse?

Debilitating car accident?

The more localized the SHTF scenario the more likely it is to occur to you. So we should all be preparing for the most likely first. Once we are ready to be without work for six months then we can worry about the zombie hordes.

I live in the country so I have the ability (and do) grow my own vegetables, medicinal herbs, and some fruit. I keep chickens. I'm handy with a gun so I can hunt squirrel and rabbit. I am a carpenter by trade so I'm good with tools and can do basic mechanics when needed.

Most importantly I have no debt excepting a mortgage and I am diligently working on eliminating that. I have enough money to pay my bills for six months if the fam and I live frugally. No fancy micro brews, no dinners out.

life insurance.

I have enough food and potable water stored for three or four months. And it is food we eat, not MREs.

Having a basic knowledge of medical preparedness for when help is not on the way is extremely important.

Having a generator and practicing to use it by playing "the power is out!" for a weekend is very useful.

Having a bug out location. Not necessarily a remote cabin in the woods but family or friends who live not too close but not too far away. And have your BOB ready to deploy.

And I listen to The Survival Podcast. It's all about preparing for a probable SHTF moment. People call or write in to hear responses from a group of knowledgeable people on all things survival. It's one of the few podcasts I listen to anymore.

Survival Podcast

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