Pre ban AR Lower question

Jan 26, 2018
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Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but if it isn't Mods feel free to move or delete.

I'm looking to purchase a pre 94 lower and I've seen a few posts on here that have given me pause in regard to picking something up.

Is it legal to have a stripped (previously built) pre-94 lower shipped to a FFL in MA from out-of-state?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I just want to make sure I'm covering my bases before finding something online and going through the headache of an FFL rejecting it.
Assuming you’re in MA and it is really a Pre-94, you should be good to go. Get as much info as you can, and as you noted above, check with the FFL beforehand.
just make sure it was built and on the books as a rifle before 9/13/1994 or you can't build it into a pre-ban rifle now, it will be a post ban only config. Call the manufacturer with the s/n and ask them what it was and when it was made. If its a Colt, you're good to go since they did not sell stripped lowers.
Also, does the 2 'evil features' count on pre-94s?
Not if it is truly pre-ban. See jpm's comment below.

just make sure it was built and on the books as a rifle before 9/13/1994 or you can't build it into a pre-ban rifle now, it will be a post ban only config. Call the manufacturer with the s/n and ask them what it was and when it was made. If its a Colt, you're good to go since they did not sell stripped lowers.
^^^ This!

BATFE ruled during the Fed Ban that it MUST have been built up (or kitted) as a rifle with evil features on/before 9/13/1994 in order to be acceptable as a genuine pre-ban. MA has never made any ruling one way or the other, but the safest bet is to go by the Fed ruling until there is a court case that says otherwise.
Seller informed me that it was a) built into a rifle before, and b) has a stock on it (not sure if that makes a difference).
It's a PWA lower with a ~22k serial . From what I'm reading, they did only made lowers and not fully kitted rifles.

Thanks for the help so far, it's much appreciated.
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