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I guess this would be a good thread topic to state my situation.

     I have stayed up nights thinking about this subject. Wondering what I would do. People who I express my thoughts to just brush it off as paranoid. I do not have any children yet. No wife. Small immediate family. I am also still young and very able. The only thing that differs is that I seem to possibly think more into the future AFTER the disaster than most people.

    I think about the initial bug in or out plan but then I think about what happens after. I know whatever it is I want my loved ones to be taken care of immediately. Most likely my girlfriend of a long time would want to be with her family. Hard to take but I completely understand. Hard to say but I also think I would survive much easier if I was alone. I sometimes think it would be good to have a team with equal abilities with me but then I think it would hold me back. More mouths to feed and possible mental breakdown of team members.

   I think about in the following months and years. I can't stay in one room long enough to sleep let alone hide in my basement for months.

  So my plan would be simple. After ensuring my families safety:

Immediate post disaster scenario. Bug in.

Food: : Plenty of water. Multi vitamins and extra supply of vitamin C. (Who knows how long before I see the sun again) I like carnation instant breakfast. Lasts forever and has all the nutrients a body needs. I get the double protien kind. Other than that, few cases of spam and cans of beans and I'm a happy man.

Equipment: Gas tent, mask and suit with plenty of filters. Walkie talkies, crank radios, flashlights, etc. etc. Shovels and picks etc.

Weapons: Since apparently it is Ft. Grifter I have no restrictions. I would prefer larger weapons with somewhat close combat versatility. An AR-15 comes to mind. Plenty of ammo.

Immediate post disaster scenario. Bug OUT.

 Food, equipment and weapons preparation minimal. My father taught me for lack of a better line, " Always be ready to be out that door in 5 seconds when the heat is around the corner."

 I ALWAYS have a bag with a clean set of cloths, flashlight, bottled water and protien bar in my vehicles. I mostly always am either carrying or have a sidearm in my vehicle. If bug out must happen I don't even want to have to run home first. I'm just gone.

Post-POST Disaster. Bug in or out.

    Most likely eventually we will have to leave our homes or safe houses. We will have to fend for ourselves if the disaster was as big as some might think. Scenario is: Order still not restored. Basically almost apocalyptic.

Food: Always have at least 5 days water. Finding food may be only option. Food stores might be empty or food may be comprimised. Depending on the situation hunting may be appropriate.

Equipment: Gas mask. Helmet. ( For exploring unstable buildings) Flashlights and water purifier.

Weapon: I personally would prefer a few smaller side arms. Something in a more universal caliber. 9mm would be my choice. Two 9mm berettas would be best for me. Easier find find when supplies run low.

   Yes something larger would be in order but lets think here. An AR-15 would be hard to conceal. Not to mention if something happened than there might be harshness towards government and military. Civ's might think your military or military might think you took the weapon off of a soldier.


    Not to mention, weapons will be highly valuable and you might be attacked just for the weapon.

My choice would have to be something powerful but something easily concealed. HK MP-5. Enough said.

Or course I would love to go into detail of what I would do with unlimited funds but I'm thinking bare essentials here. and I'm really tired.

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