Ok, so I am getting into low grade preping. For right now I am just working on a 1 month stay at home with no outside supplies. Eventualy I plan on working up a full family plan with a off site long term living arangement.
My question is, I should be getting my C&R soon and have heard that some online groups (such as midway) offer some sort of discout for it. Do those discounts apply to everything on site? I am looking at some bulk food packs, but I am seeing them at slightly better prices then what I see online (with shipping etc..). Any thoughts?
My question is, I should be getting my C&R soon and have heard that some online groups (such as midway) offer some sort of discout for it. Do those discounts apply to everything on site? I am looking at some bulk food packs, but I am seeing them at slightly better prices then what I see online (with shipping etc..). Any thoughts?