preping and a C&R...

Feb 21, 2012
Somerset, Ma
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
Ok, so I am getting into low grade preping. For right now I am just working on a 1 month stay at home with no outside supplies. Eventualy I plan on working up a full family plan with a off site long term living arangement.

My question is, I should be getting my C&R soon and have heard that some online groups (such as midway) offer some sort of discout for it. Do those discounts apply to everything on site? I am looking at some bulk food packs, but I am seeing them at slightly better prices then what I see online (with shipping etc..). Any thoughts?
Midway, Brownell and numrich all offer dealer pricing to all FFLs including 03. Discount amount varies by product, some products receive no discount at all. Post the midway part number you are interested in and I will tell you the discount, if any.
Midway, Brownell and numrich all offer dealer pricing to all FFLs including 03. Discount amount varies by product, some products receive no discount at all. Post the midway part number you are interested in and I will tell you the discount, if any.

Thanks for the offer but I am looking at a thousad things right now. everything from full year food kits to AR parts. Then again, pretty much everything I really want is out of stock anyway. Just need to keep waiting, sent the app in mid oct...
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