Priting your own makeshift newspaper in a disaster - here's a template

Oct 3, 2007
Manchester NH
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I've been printing these out for myself, they may be of use to you. If I'm stuck in an airport for days or a huge communications disruption occurs around me, I will probably fill in the blanks, post them somewhere or hand deliver as practical. Suggested improvements?


Hmm it won't let me edit the original post. Anyway I've been pre-printing these for my own use; they may be of use to you. In the event I'm ever stuck in a closed airport for days or there is a major communication disruption, I plan to fill in the blanks by hand and post these in my area at the earliest practical second. Suggested improvements?
Not sure how it would work with a bunch of random people in an airport during a crisis. But in a place where people have better connections to each other (like a town or neighborhood) i can see this having some value.
Thanks hams. Here's a text version of all three together, for those who would wish to change the text or read it without downloading.

Times , Episode #: 01 Date/Month/Year:

Because of this crisis, and in the interest of boosting our ability to communicate within the immediate area, there will be an attempt to publish this ultra-local "newspaper" on a regular basis if needed...and if practical.

It may not be possible to hand deliver each time; for now the plan is to have it posted it at the
following location:

Please post announcements of your own there if you can! Initially it should publish about once every:

Focused at first on the following area:

Historically, people are said to weather big disasters relatively small groups but not alone. In one sense we already have a group, the folks in our immediate neighborhood. Next it's a question of whether we can team up enough to rely on each other...especially for trade and security. In the interest of of jump-starting commerce here, there will be a tentative "trading post" at the following location(s):

It will initially try be open during the following hours:

There will probably be infuriating difficulties ahead; we can't prevent that. Everyone in the area will make mistakes, perhaps many...perhaps severe. Presumably the disaster will wildly skew prices of the things we need most. But this crisis is to blame, not you, not our friends, not the random people around us. Each is a potential helper or trading partner. If there were ever a good time to set aside any local rivalries, here it is. Let's be better than this mess. Let's start with trade and communication. And when it is over, let us each be proud of how we handled it. What you can do to help/be helped: Copy/spread this publication, and...

The __________
Times , Episode #: 02 Date/Month/Year:

The idea of makeshift newspapers or newspapers-where-you wouldn't expect one... has a long colorful history in world events. A British commander under encirclment in the Boer War organized a "seige paper" for the town he was holding. Sarajevo's "Oslobodenje" successfully published every day for four years...from the morning of the infamous attack that started the Bosnian War... until that war's conclusion in 1996. This paper will try to follow, though more modestly, in that tradition.

It currently appears at the makeshift news stand, located:

Latest location and hours for the trading post:

What you can do to help/be helped: Copy/spread this publication. Post your news and requests at our makeshift "news stand." Maybe the following information there if you have it: Nearby ham radio locations, suggestions for what you'd like to see in this makeshift newspaper, other trading locations in the area, reports of any government misbehavior or undue restrictions, reports of any theft or violence. Tell us: Who what where when why how? And what are your suggested solutions?

The _________
Times , Episode #: Date/Month/Year:
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