Three weeks ago, a smug, crusading lawyer-type - Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) - who also happens to be a rising progressive California state assemblyman, slipped a few proposals into a bill for changes to the CA penal code. Specifically to Section 197, which defines what circumstances constitute certain crimes like 'homicide.'
Now, I'm not sure if he thought no one would notice or that the overwhelmingly progressive Democratic lunatics of the California Assembly body itself would give him cover if someone did and squawked, but Zbur surely felt cheered having such hard-core anti-Second Amendment supporters.
In any event, Harvard Law graduate that he is, Rep Zbur got his red pen out, lined through the old sections of the code that offended him, and proceeded to rewrite what would now, when his buddies voted to pass his changes, constitute 'justifiable homicide' in the state of California.
In Zbur's new version, not much would any longer, including defending your home or property as was once permitted.
Now, I'm not sure if he thought no one would notice or that the overwhelmingly progressive Democratic lunatics of the California Assembly body itself would give him cover if someone did and squawked, but Zbur surely felt cheered having such hard-core anti-Second Amendment supporters.
In any event, Harvard Law graduate that he is, Rep Zbur got his red pen out, lined through the old sections of the code that offended him, and proceeded to rewrite what would now, when his buddies voted to pass his changes, constitute 'justifiable homicide' in the state of California.
In Zbur's new version, not much would any longer, including defending your home or property as was once permitted.