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I have a CETME, which if you look you might be able to find for even cheaper. And they can be found with a factory installed muzzle break. Thing is, mine has never been all that accurate so maybe the PTR91 is better in that respect. I don't know if its the barrel, or more likely the absolutely terrible trigger, but I've never been able to get it to group very well. It does make a big boom and is fun to shoot. I put a red dot on mine so it is fun for shooting plates, and the plates don't get me frustrated when I see the spread of the group.

Field stripping is pretty easy, but like someone else said, getting the bolt back onto the carrier correctly without locking the rollers can drive you nuts until you get the knack of it. The first time I wasted so much time trying to figure it out (this was before YouTube could come to my rescue).

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