It is my impression that on consignment = Someone is leaveing there gun with a FFL/MA dealer to sell for the seller, provideing shelfspace and man hours to peddle your goods. The dealer gets X% of the purchase price or a set fee depending on the deal.
When a gun is left on consignment I believe the gun is logged in the dealers book as if it where now his???
I have stopped the consignment thing when I am trying to sell a item, I now give the dealers the transfer $$ by far I think dealer transfers are the best profit margin for them. ex I transfered 14 guns through a dealer took about 45min @ a discount, the dealer still made 100+/HR.
I suppose you could argue the fact that you should only pay sales tax on the % or dealers fee? After all you do declare all your purchases that did not get mass sales tax already, dont you.
Mac1911 you are right they do log the guns in and out as if they bought it from a distributor. They pay the person when the sale is made but that is the same if they had an account from the distributor and had 30 days to pay. In the end a gun sale is a gun sale.