Purchasing firearm as dual resident of NH and MA

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Mar 30, 2022
Commiewealth of MA
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I'm getting a vacation place in NH. I will be a resident part time but still mainly live in MA. How am I supposed to buy a gun? I will not be getting a NH DL.
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Show the FFL dude your latest NH property tax bill (not a copy of it).

No NH DL needed. Before you start, mention you have dual residency.

When you fill out the forms, remember to use your NH address (easy to forget :confused:).
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I'm not the one looking for a loophole to buy guns my state won't let me have.
What? Is that an attempt at an insult or something??? Not everybody has the need or ability to uproot and move to another state.

No loophole, totally legal ATF A-ok'd thing to do. I'm wondering how it's done properly and what documentation I need. Why you gotta be a douchebag about it? Seriously, I'd like to know why.

I'm just asking a question about NH laws in a NH Law forum.
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What? Is that an attempt at an insult or something??? Not everybody has the need or ability to uproot and move to another state.

No loophole, totally legit ATF A-ok thing to do, just wondering how it's done properly. Why you gotta be a douchebag about it?

I'm just asking a question. Don't need unsolicited BS commentary.
Bro, you called me retarded in a thread you started about trying to buy guns you can't buy in MA.

Enjoy university.
Bro, you called me retarded in a thread you started about trying to buy guns you can't buy in MA.

Enjoy university.
GFY bro. [thumbsup] You're a reason why this forum has a rep for being toxic. Cranky middle-older age guy on internet syndrome over here. I was just asking a question and included info about my circumstances after you gave me the non-answer of "just move to NH" and flinging insults.
So you are a college student that wants to walk into New Hampshire FFL and buy a gun without any of the documentation that they would normally require. I can't think of one gun dealer in the state that would sell you a gun under those conditions. And they are under no obligation to sell you a firearm. You may think you qualify to be a New Hampshire resident based on the ATF theory of wherever you lay your head that night is where you live. No New Hampshire FFL is going to play that game. You may not like that answer and you may not like my tone but you can pretty much take that to the bank. No dealer is going to put themselves in that position for the small amount of money they make on a gun sale.
So your college aid student that wants to walk into New Hampshire FFL and buy a gun without any of the documentation that they would normally require. I can't think of one gun dealer in the state that would sell you a gun under those conditions. And they are under no obligation to sell you a firearm. You may think you qualify to be a New Hampshire resident based on the ATF theory of wherever you lay your head that night is where you live. No New Hampshire FFL is going to play that game. You may not like that answer and you may not like my tone but you can pretty much take that to the bank. No dealer is going to put themselves in that position for the small amount of money they make on a gun sale.
No problem. I'm older but going back for a higher degree, I'm not a 19 year old.
That's what I was wondering. Thanks for the answer. What proof of residency would I need to purchase a gun in NH realistically?
GFY bro. [thumbsup] You're a reason why this forum has a rep for being toxic. Cranky middle-older age guy on internet syndrome over here. I was just asking a question and included info about my circumstances after you gave me the non-answer of "just move to NH" and flinging insults.
Lol, you're the reason people that know the answers to this question ignore threads like this. There are thousands of threads here started by weekend warriors trying to buy guns they can't get in MA.

Lol, you're the reason people that know the answers to this question ignore threads like this. There are thousands of threads here started by weekend warriors trying to buy guns they can't get in MA.

Broski, it's something that is commonly done and legal, I'm trying to get some info on it.

Anyways, I'd like to congratulate and welcome you to my ignore list.
What do you need for a painless sale? A New Hampshire driver's license or a police issued New Hampshire pistol and revolver permit. If you can get your local police department to issue you a New Hampshire pistol and revolver license then you're good to go. I will tell you that the New Hampshire department of motor vehicle people are very smart and have no problem picking up the phone and dialing 911 and having a trooper show up if they suspect anything is not up to snuff. We have half of the illegal immigrants in Massachusetts trying to get driver's licenses in New Hampshire and they get cuffed and stuffed on a regular basis. As for your local police department I can't speak to that. They may take your rental agreement as proof of residency but I doubt that . I'm pretty sure they are going to want a driver's license, voter registration card from town hall or something significant in order to issue you a New Hampshire gun license. That is just my opinion do not take it as fact I am not a lawyer and I am not giving legal advice
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Broski, it's something that is commonly done and legal, I'm trying to get some info on it.

Anyways, I'd like to congratulate and welcome you to my ignore list.
I beg to differ with you on the commonly done. Ffls are under no obligation to sell you anything and if it's questionable they will absolutely say no. If for some reason you had an existing relationship with a local dealer who knew you owned property in town had the documentation to back it up then it is another story but someone walking in off the street and saying I'm renting I have no rental agreement in my name I have no state issued ID is going to have a very hard time finding someone that will do business with them
I beg to differ with you on the commonly done. Ffls are under no obligation to sell you anything and if it's questionable they will absolutely say no. If for some reason you had an existing relationship with a local dealer who knew you owned property in town had the documentation to back it up then it is another story but someone walking in off the street and saying I'm renting I have no rental agreement in my name I have no state issued ID is going to have a very hard time finding someone that will do business with them
I do have a rental agreement, but won't get NH state ID such as a DL because my primary residence is MA and my car is registered in MA.
Well then all I can tell you is that you need to find a New Hampshire FFL who is willing to do it. And as I've said before I doubt very much you were going to find one that will. Just because the federal government says it is okay doesn't mean that it is going to happen in real life. No FFL wants BATFE showing up on the doorstep wanting to see their bound book and all their records because they sold a gun to somebody who claimed they were a New Hampshire resident with a rental agreement as proof and that gun ended up under a body somewhere. There have been too many straw purchase cases in New Hampshire in the last year and some of these guys are now running scared and you can't blame them. Nobody wants the feds coming in and saying we want to see your bound book and all your records.
I beg to differ with you on the commonly done. Ffls are under no obligation to sell you anything and if it's questionable they will absolutely say no. If for some reason you had an existing relationship with a local dealer who knew you owned property in town had the documentation to back it up then it is another story but someone walking in off the street and saying I'm renting I have no rental agreement in my name I have no state issued ID is going to have a very hard time finding someone that will do business with them

You can beg to differ but it is done every day in NH and every other free state, assuming proper paperwork, and there is nothing "questionable" about it.

What is questionable is how lazy the OP is, though, because in the amount of time he wasted in this thread he could have easily found the answer. But instead lately we attract INFANT that want to be spoon fed everything.... HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFfZzvyC2bo
No FFL wants BATFE showing up on the doorstep wanting to see their bound book and all their records because they sold a gun to somebody who claimed they were a New Hampshire resident with a rental agreement as proof

Well, that's not a proper document so of course it's a problem. The OP could find out what one was, if he bothered to use a search engine. Even BING might find it. [rofl]
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