Question about S&W 1911 manufacturing


Mar 19, 2014
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Question for you S&W and 1911 afficionados...

so I recently acquired a S&W 1911TA stainless. freaking amazing gun, shoots stupid accurate....definitely more accurate than me.

anyway my question is about where the various S&W 1911 are manufactured? mine says "S&W Springfield MA" but I thought the 1911s were all made in Houlton ME? i must be wrong. wondering which 1911s are made where and perhaps why so?

it's an absurd question but i like to know the roots of any handgun I own so am wondering why some are made in Springfield MA and others in Houlton ME?

thx in advance.
I thought all E series where made in ME? maybe you have a very early model that might have been made in MA?
I recently aquired a Doug Keonig 45acp through a trade, it has Houlton ME etched on frame. I was suprised when I saw that, I thought all the Championship Series guns originated in Springfeild MA.
I think only the e series are made in maine - and the walther PPKs - probably others, but that's what I think I remember. Somebody can correct me. I'd rather have one made in MA, personally.
I think only the e series are made in maine - and the walther PPKs - probably others, but that's what I think I remember. Somebody can correct me. I'd rather have one made in MA, personally.

yeah mine is an E-series. honestly my 1911TA feels very well built....better than i would have expected. it shoots freaking amazing. i agree perhaps the MA-built ones are overall a little better? who knows.
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