Question for j-frame/442/642 owners.

Jan 22, 2016
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Let me apologize in advance if this is better suited elsewhere, but I've done lots of searching and haven't had much luck. I recently spent some time with a friends s&w wyatt deep cover. It's a nice little .38 J frame with grips that have a piece on the right side that clips over your pants, not a metal clip, but a piece of the grip that's molded this way. It was extremely comfortable and I decided I want something similar. I've been looking into the 442/642. However, today while checking one out I was kind of taken back when I was informed it would need to be cleaned everyday and oiled to prevent rust. I understand that it's metal and being pressed up next to a sweaty overweight guy could cause some issues, not trying to kid anyone bout that. But when I asked about going with the stainless model I was informed it too would need the same maintenance routine...on a daily basis. So, anyone used these grips on a s&w, sweat, and have the gun make it unscathed? Or should I be looking at other options? Thanks in advance.
I suspect you are talking about a Barami hip grip (

You don't need to clean and oil it every day, but an occasional wipedown with an oily rag would not be a bad idea. I had a couple of spots of surface rust develop on my 64 stainless J frame (the cleaned off nicely, but if you look very carefully you can see a small bit of pitting), so do not ass/u/me stainless is 100% rustproof.

I do find anything associated with so-called master gunsmith Wyatt to be a bit hokey on that basis alone.
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I'm a sweaty overweight guy, and I carry a 642 often. It's not rusty and I can't remember the last time I cleaned it, wiped it down or gave it any maintenance at all. It has a clear coating on the aluminum frame, and the barrel and cylinder are stainless steel. They're great, light carry guns. Look for a 642-1 or 442-1, which don't have the #@$%& lock. Any grips are interchangeable. I tried a set of Barami hip grips, but went back to Goodyears.
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