Question for PPK Experts

Nov 12, 2008
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Howdy all, I recently purchased a used Walther PPK/S made by Interarms and finally had a chance to take it to the range on Saturday. It fits my hand well but.... I found that it does not stay in semi auto mode. The first round fires and ejects, the second round fires and ejects then it goes into double action mode as if the slide did not come back far enough to fully cock the trigger. Its pretty consistant and does this every 2nd or 3rd round. I was shooting American Eagle 95gr standard ball rounds. When I got it home I stripped it and found it was a bit dirty but not terribly so. I did a complete cleaning, inspection and lube but did not get to try it again. Did not see anything obviously worm or damaged. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Will the cleaning solve the problem? Is this a "brand" issue that needs more attention? I like this piece and want to get it to work consistantly, any help will be appreciated. Thanks Vin
Ah yes, mine does the exact same thing. It only started happening a few years ago. I've had mine (Interarms PPK/s) since '02. There are a few reasons this could be happening. 1: The hammer spring is weak. 2: the hammer block spring is weak. 3: The hammer/ sear (or "cocking piece") engagement is worn. There are 2 rivets that hold the sear to the frame. If these become worn, the sear can start to move too freely, also affecting it's engagement with the hammer. Not too long ago I replaced the recoil, hammer, and hammer block springs. For about 200 rounds, this fixed the "hammer falling" problem. Then it slowly came back again. I will be ordering a brand new sear and hammer for mine. PM me if you need any tips on getting your gun completely taken down to check these wearable parts.

EDIT: btw, I do not call myself an "expert" on anything. Also, if your ppk is experiencing doubling (short bursts of full-auto), take it to a 'smith right away. Don't fire it! I won't try to talk you through fixing such a problem.

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