Question: Izzy Polymer Pistol Grip in a Saiga rifle Conversion

May 3, 2009
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I just did my first 7.62x39 Saiga conversion yesterday using the standard Tapco kit from CCS--happy to say all came out well. But, I must say, I hate the SAW pistol grip. I happened to have two legit Izzy plastic pistol grips with the caps I got from a friend a few months ago. However, it appears the screw is mounted at the base of the Izzy grip, rather than well up inside the grip as with the saw.

Any idea the correct way to mount this? Do you need a huge screw (if so, where can you find one)? And can I use the T-nut that came with the Tapco set?

Any help from one of NES's resident AK guru's would be appreciated.

Example of the Izzy grip I have:

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Okay, so apparently I'm a meat head and didn't know there's a special AK grip screw made just for this purpose. My bad.
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