Range Brass Headstamps


NES Member
Sep 4, 2017
Eastern Massachusetts
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I reload an awful lot of range brass in 9mm and .45 and was just wondering how heavily people sort their brass and what headstamps are you looking for? Oh yeh.. Does Winchester (or whoever) use the same brass for all their 9mm ammo white box or otherwise?
For 9mm, I sort due to cast bullet diameter (need thinner brass). Blazer is the thinnest so works best with FC right behind it. With FMJ or plated…everything goes. The only reason I look is for crimped primer pockets.

For 45, the only sorting by headstamp is for large primer versus small.
I had a bad and nearly catastrophic experience with A-MERC brass one time.

It is junk and severely bulged when it was fired - I'm lucky that it did not rupture, injuring me and/or wreck the pistol.

I ended up sorting through six 5-gallon buckets of brass to ensure that all the A-MERC was gone!

Also, I've got enough brass now that if I run across any crimped primers, I just toss it in the recycling bucket.

That is normally good brass, but I just don't want to spend the time de-crimping.
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I avoid AMERC, AP, IMT, Freedom Munitions, Ammoload, Max XT. For .223 I avoid ARMSCOR. For 9mm I avoid Herters, WCC 10, MAXXTECH and WC.

Other than those, which I rarely see, I don’t sort by headstamp. Wel maybe I do when neck sizing rifle brass only because I don’t want it mixing in with the stuff that is full length sized.
Eventually you come across a head stamp thats just troublesome for you

I generally dont sort plinking/blasting brass

I do sort rifle brass but 90% of any range pick ups go to plinking ammo anyway.

For higher quality rifle I often just buy fresh brass
MaxxTech = Complete Shite

I have one empty 9mm case I must have picked up at one of the clubs I belong to where there's frequently once-fired brass left all over the ground by non-reloaders.
I tried to load it in my SDB and it wouldn't budge in the first die. Realized the inside of the case is collared for whatever reason. Pretty sure it was marked Maxxtech. I haven't seen one like it since.

For the most part I toss Magtech brass in any caliber. Seems like it's too "thick" and at least in 9mm and .45, the final cartridge never plops easily into my case gauges. Those rounds get put aside for practice, never put into the boxes for competition. ;)
Well, that’s a relief. I’ve never sorted my Range brass with the exception of looking for cracked, dented, or anything that looks a little iffy. I don’t think I’ve ever run into any real trouble using Range brass I was just looking for justification to buy new brass for pistol and it doesn’t seem necessary. I also don’t see the advantage in buying once fired deprimed, cleaned “range” brass on line. I guess they’re using to same stuff as me. I am thinking on buying a coupla thousand pieces of new brass and focus on reloading those. Thanks!
I had a bad and nearly catastrophic experience with A-MERC brass one time.

It is junk and severely bulged when it was fired - I'm lucky that it did not rupture, injuring me and/or wreck the pistol.

I ended up sorting through six 5-gallon buckets of brass to ensure that all the A-MERC was gone!

Also, I've got enough brass now that if I run across any crimped primers, I just toss it in the recycling bucket.

That is normally good brass, but I just don't want to spend the time de-crimping.

Are you talking 9mm or a rifle caliber.

I never sort pistol brass.
The only thing I do is pull steel stuff out because it's got a Berdan primer.
I don't even worry about aluminum Blazer. I've loaded it for years and never had an issue. I will pull it if I see it. But if it gets through, I don't worry.

With rifles, if I'm manufacturing .223 for AR blasting, I do a pretty decent inspection and resize and trim everything. But I don't sort for head stamp.

For precision rifle, including .223, I pull out Lake City, Federal, Winchester, Remington, Lapua, Starline.,
The Federal with the blue adhesive around the primer comes from Gold Medal Match. So I separate that from other Federal.

Everything else gets dumped into the bucket for "blasting" ammo.
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