RCBS Rebate up-to $35 back. Runs until 6/24

It appears that the reloading market is undergoing a rebalancing. The massive price increases that followed the initial rush are all being pared back. I don't follow RCBS stuff, so I don't know what it was before the pandemic.

I have a feeling that the glut is only going to get worse as those panic buyers push back in the market to sell their items and the demand was pulled forward during the pandemic. I'm seeing a lot more pop up on different sites and the prices are all coming down. A Hornady LnL AP that would be snatched up for $600 a few months ago is being sold new for $530 from Mid South and they are sitting at $450 unused/barely used on sites.. (See the classifieds for the bulk deal including a Hornady LnL).

The ammo plant went from $600 to $1600 during the pandemic and now Mid South has them for $1250 brand new. Still a 100% increase from pre-pandemic, so no bargain yet. I expect more discounts coming in order to move product.
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