Son of Kalashnikov
you'd think that crazy Russkie's would wear big fur hats and swig vodka while making love to some red headed girl named Natasha, apparently not. An acquaintance of mine is looking for a real M65 jacket from 60s or 70s, not a off-shore made reproduction to mil specs. Those are much harder to find in Moscow than Armani suits. Unfortunately he is not a millionaire or an arms dealer, so I'm looking for a cheap solution and AKs/women/vodka can not be asked in return ... well, may be just women and vodka.
So ... anyone knows where to find a real M65 from early production years, when they were US made? Also, some places advertise them made in 100% cotton, which is weird since later ones are made in NyCo (50/50 blend). Would anyone clarify how to spot a fake? An ideal would be surplus issued/unissued in decent shape.
So ... anyone knows where to find a real M65 from early production years, when they were US made? Also, some places advertise them made in 100% cotton, which is weird since later ones are made in NyCo (50/50 blend). Would anyone clarify how to spot a fake? An ideal would be surplus issued/unissued in decent shape.