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Right. In the parlance of our often-imitated, never-replicated [USER=859]@drgrant[/USER], that's just Ayoob-glue sniffing talk.

That is, Mas Ayoob, who is a wealth of knowledge and experience, has been offering that guidance for decades. Some people recognize he's a great resource; others see him as the ultimate authority on these topics.

Is it an interesting idea to think about? Sure.

Has it actually happened to people? Probably? I haven't taken his class, but my understanding is that he's not taken to inventing things from whole cloth.

In a world where concealed carry is increasing in public acceptance, and where "Duty and Carry" kits are readily available online, how much sense is there to carry that worry forward from the 80s? Each of us needs to judge for ourselves.

We'll leave the debate over Punisher logos, etc., for another time.

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