Recommendation for a used/new receiver under $200

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
I currently use my Realistic DX302 and a Sangean 803A and had been looking around for a new radio for SWLing. Not sure if I am going to stick with it, I have been away from it for some years. There doesn't seem to be as much out there as in the late 90's.

I am looking for a digital readout radio. I have a multi band dipole in my attic.

I have been looking around ebay and see some interesting radios, the Grundig 800 and 750, the old Sony 2010, the Yeasu's FRG100

I was also looking at the Tecsun 660 and 880, does anyone have experience with them?

Thoughts on a receiver for casual SWL and DXing
I have the Tecsun 880, it's pretty awesome. I'm near Worcester in a poor reception area and I'm getting FM college stations from the Pioneer valley and Fitchburg. The radio comes with a full shortwave feature set, including hidden ones, that I haven't yet begun to explore. Order it from AnonCo for the best package deal and to get the latest and greatest firmware, some previous firmware was buggy.
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