Recommended Books

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
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Ok, being new to this part of gun owning, I was wondering what would be some good books/places to find out about good books regauriding old military firearms. i will mainly be staying in US and probably German mfg. guns.
Pick a certain rifle and check out the books by North Cape Publications.
I don't read many books on milsurps, I subscribe to Shotgun News and read the milsurp articles which are usually one sided but have good info. I do have a book called Mauser Military Rifles of the World that is pretty good.
I was also going to recommend Small Arms of the World by Ezell. This was recommended to me by folks in the C&R FFL eList when I first got my C&R FFL.

I also happen to have a spare copy for sale. It is a difficult book to find, as it is out of print and the authors are all dead. Here's some info from Amazon (and I'm asking less than 1/2 the lowest price listed here), read the reviews of the book here.
I'd recommend getting a book pertaining to just the one rifle you might be considering at the time. That way you'll get specific detailed info on it rather than a general discussion on a lot of different guns. eg, if you're interested in M1 carbines, get one of Ruth's books.

If you want to 'collect' and know all about your collection, that's the route to go. You'll also build up a nice library.
I was also going to recommend Small Arms of the World by Ezell. This was recommended to me by folks in the C&R FFL eList when I first got my C&R FFL.

I also happen to have a spare copy for sale. It is a difficult book to find, as it is out of print and the authors are all dead. Here's some info from Amazon (and I'm asking less than 1/2 the lowest price listed here), read the reviews of the book here.
Len, I'll take your book.
Ok, being new to this part of gun owning, I was wondering what would be some good books/places to find out about good books regauriding old military firearms. i will mainly be staying in US and probably German mfg. guns.

Rifles, handguns, submachine guns, or all of the above? Some books specialize in one or the other, some don't.

Don't overlook local book stores either. Some Barnes and Noble book stores I've been in have a good selection of diferent firearms books, plus gun shops sometimes also have a decent library to choose from. That way there you can flip through the book first to see if it has what you want.
Here's some I collected and studied, before I went to inquisition

Author Title
Jaroslav Lugs Handfeuerwaffen, Band I & II
Joachim Görtz Die Pistole 08
Richard D. Law Der Karabiner 98k
Richard D. Law Der Karabiner 98k als Scharfschützenwaffe
Albrecht Wacker Im Auge des Jägers, Scharfschützen d. Wehrmacht
Albrecht Wacker Das System Adalbert, der K98k
Friedrich Graf Karabiner 98 kurz, Techn. Studie zu Änderungen der Fa. Mauser Oberndorf, 1939-1945
W.D. Ball Mauser Military Rifles of the World
Ludwig Olson Mauser Bolt Rifles
H.D. Götz Die Deutschen Militärgewehre und Maschinenpistolen 1871 - 1945
Peter Senich The German Assault Rifle
Peter Senich The German Sniper 1914 - 1945
I.V. Hogg Armee-Pistolen und Revolver, Faustfeuerwaffen Weltkrieg I und II
I.V. Hogg Die Deutschen Pistolen und Revolver 1871 - 1945
Dieter H. Marschall Walther Verteidungungspistolen Modell 1 bis P99
Alex Buchner Deutsch und alliierte Heereswaffen 1939-1945 eutschland, UdSSR, England, USA
Carsten Schinke Die leichten schwedischen Infanteriegewehre - Armee und Heimwehr
J. Görtz/W. Finze Fremde Gewehre in Deutschen Diensten 1914 - 1918
Wolfgang Finze Militärische Zeichen auf deutschen Schusswaffen
Wolfgang Finze Anleitung zur Deutung von Truppenstempeln auf Waffen des kaiserlich-deutschen Heeres
Johannes Preuss Zahlencodesystem des Heeres 1925 - 1940
Pawlas Liste der Fertigungskennzeichen für Waffen, Munition und Gerät, Nachdruck des OKH 1944
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Kennblätter fremden Geräts Bd. 1 "Handwaffen", Nachdruck 1989
PDV.41 Vorschrift für die Führung und Verwendung der Polizeitruppe 1943
Dolinek, Francev, Sach Illustriertes Lexikon der Waffen im 1. und 2. Weltkrieg
R. Blake Stevens The Browning High Power Automatic Pistol
R. Blake Stevens The Inglis-Browning Hi-Power Pistol
Don McLean The Browning Hi-Power Pistols, Manual
Broschüre Das Gewehr 98
Broschüre Die Pistole 08
H.Dv.254 (Auszug) Nachdruck "Pistole 38" 1940
H.Dv. 254 Schiessvorschrift Gewehr, leichtes MG, Pistole etc., Original, 1937
de Vries/Martens Waffen im Einsatz, Der Karabiner 98k
de Vries/Martens Waffen im Einsatz, Die Maschinenpistole MP38, 40, 40/1 und 41
Lidschun/Wollert Enzyklopädie der Infanteriewaffen 1918-1945, Band 1&2
F.W.A. Hobart Die Maschinenpistole
Mauser-Werke Nachdruck d. Bedienungsanl. "Mauser Selbstladepistolen 7,65 und 6,35
Mauser-Werke Bed.-Anl. "Original Mauser Schnellfeuerpistole Kaliber 7,63 mm"
Mauser-Werke Bed.-Anl. "Mauser Selbstladepistole Kaliber 7,63 mm"
Mauser-Werke Bed.-Anl. "Mauser Selbstladepistole Kaliber 7,63 mm Modell 1930"
Rhein. Metallwaarenf. Bed.-Anl. "Selbstladepistole Modell Dreyse, Kaliber 7,65 mm"
Lockhoven Kleine Waffen-Bibliothek Heft 33 "FN Browning Mod. 1900"
Lockhoven Kleine Waffen-Bibliothek Heft 32 "Pistole Parabellum 1900/06 und 1902/06 Cal. 45"
Lockhoven Kleine Waffen-Bibliothek Heft 29 "Browning Modell 1903"
Lockhoven Kleine Waffen-Bibliothek Heft 27 "Pistole Parabellum 1900 und 1902"
Lockhoven Kleine Waffen-Bibliothek Heft 35 "Mauser Modelle 1910 und 1934"
König/Hugo 9mm Parabellum Waffe und Patrone
Frank de Haas Bolt Action Rifles
Broschüre Die SIG-Pistole
Bodo Zimmermann Die Soldatenfibel, Ausbildungsheft der Reichswehr
Oberstlieutenant Morietti Mein Gewehr (Broschüre der Schweizer Armee)
Oberstlieutenant Morietti Mein neuer Karabiner (Broschüre der Schweizer Armee)
Dana Jones Crown Jewels, The Mauser in Sweden
Craig Riesch U.S. M1 Carbines, Wartime Production
Charles R. Stratton British Enfield Rifles Vol. 2, Lee Enfield No. 4 and No. 5 Rifles
Joe Poyer The 1903 Springfield Rifle and its variations
Joe Poyer/Craig Riesch The M1 Garand, 1936-1957, 4th Edition
Scott A. Duff The M1 Garand's Owners Guide
Ian D. Skennerton Handbook for U.S. Rifle .30 Model 1917 and .303 British Pattern 1914
Joe Poyer The American Krag Rifle and Carbine
Vickers Armstrong Ltd. The Pedersen Self Loading Rifle Model P.A.
THAT is an impressive list. Mine is a bit shorter. I have the Standard Catalog of Military Firearms and the Standard Catalog of Firearms.
This book, looks like it might be good as a general reference. It's on my Wish List for when I get some extra money.

Small Arms of the World, either the 1969 or 1983 editions are great references. Unfortunately they are out of print. Amazon has the 1983 edition USED starting at about $90.00.

For the M1911/A1: Charles Clawson, Collector's Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols

For the P-08: John Walter, The Luger Story; Charles Kenyon, Lugers at Random. Less Luger specific is Jan Still's Axis Pistols.

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