I replaced the stock 3-hole grooved trigger in my S&W 1911 with a smooth faced one. I was a bit scared to take my 1911 apart but the whole process turned out to be fairly simple once I figured out a couple of things.
It's not hard and now that you have a good idea about how the 1911 goes together, it's only a matter of time before you buy the stripped frame and slide and build one. Then there is the whole reloading thing. It's endless. But alot of fun.
I recently did the same upgrade, but with a different style trigger. I too was first worried about the re-assembly. However, it went much better than I anticipated. I also put on some Hogue grips. Love'em!
It's not hard and now that you have a good idea about how the 1911 goes together, it's only a matter of time before you buy the stripped frame and slide and build one.