got this in an e-mail. might be good to pass along to those affected by stop-loss since 9/11/2001.
i filled mine out![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
took a whopping 10 minutes...
i filled mine out
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
took a whopping 10 minutes...
Today Congresswoman Chellie Pingree welcomed a Department of Defense
decision to provide retroactive special pay to service members whose
contracts were extended due to stop loss during the last eight years. The
Department of Defense estimates that approximately 185,000 active and former
service members are eligible for the payment.
"I am very pleased with this decision," said Pingree, a member of the House
Armed Services Committee. "This payment is the least we can do for the
brave men and women and their families who continued to faithfully serve our
country after their contracts were scheduled to end."
Service members-including members of the Reserve components, and former and
retired members-are eligible if they served on active duty between September
11, 2001, and September 30, 2009, while their enlistment was extended or
retirement suspended.
Eligible members will receive a payment of $500 for each month, or any
portion of a month, they were retained on active duty due to stop loss.
Service members have until October 21, 2010, to file a claim for the special
pay. Survivors of service members killed in combat or who died after their
service can also make claims.
Each branch of the armed services has its own online filing process.
* Army: https://www.stoplosspay.army.mil
<blockedhttps://www.stoplosspay.army.mil/> or e-mail
* Navy: E-mail NXAG_N132C@navy.mil
* Air Force: http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/stoploss/
* Marine Corps: https://www.manpower.usmc.mil/stoploss
blockedhttps://www.manpower.usmc.mil/stoploss or e-mail stoploss@usmc.mil