RGNB PRS22 Match 7/28/24 N. Dartmouth, MA


NES Member
Jan 24, 2017
Feedback: 16 / 0 / 0
Match details
Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford
1405 North Hixville Rd
North Dartmouth, MA 02747

Match fee $30
Nine Stages
Round count around a 100, bring extra for zeroing.
Zero at 9:00
Safety Brief @ 9:45
Match starts @ 10:00

We shoot from a covered shooting line. Match will go on rain, shine or snow.

We don not accept any payments on line. No electronic payments will be accepted at the range, please try and bring exact change.

Look forward to seeing you on the range. PM me with questions.

Shoot Straight,

Hey Biggie, I was not sure if I was going to be able to make the match, went to register last night and registration had closed, was it supposed to close that soon? Thanks
Looking forward to finally giving this game a try. Not sure what to bring, so I guess that means bring everything. I sure wish I could remember which ammo I used to zero my rifle…
Hey Biggie, I was not sure if I was going to be able to make the match, went to register last night and registration had closed, was it supposed to close that soon? Thanks
Hey, the match closed 24 hours early. You can still register if you can make it and you will be approved. I have some time constraints and I need to get things to Chiz in order to conduct the match while I'm gone.
Looking forward to finally giving this game a try. Not sure what to bring, so I guess that means bring everything. I sure wish I could remember which ammo I used to zero my rifle…
How’d it go? Drag the entire kitchen sink with ya?
How’d it go? Drag the entire kitchen sink with ya?
Of course, brought everything I had, and still came away with a list of stuff I "need".
I mean, I can't believe I don't already have a dope card holder thingy, or dope cards. I didn't even know what those were. And how have I ever survived this long without those super cool magnetic custom chamber flags that have an even cooler holster to put it in while you're shooting. Then there's mag pouches, and a couple different bags I didn't know I needed...

Everything's already been ordered, so I'll be kickin' ass at the next shoot for sure.
Hell yea. You know what they say, if you can’t beat them with skill, buy more shit. Been my credo since April!
Yeah, but this is one game where it’s not all that easy to “out buy” the other shooters. There were some serious guns and gear in use at this match.

But as long as I have my cool magnetic chamber flag and holster I’ll be good to go.
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