Royalston Fish and Game Club

what can anyone tell me about this club, there is never anyone there !!

Rick Jess
NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor
NRA Certified Home Firearm Safety Instuctor
Fully Insured

Working in the royalston Fish and Game Club and the Woodsman Pistol and Rifle Club
courses do include live fire

Are you not the instructor for RF&G?
I am but no one is ever there, classes have been full but from outside the area.
Would like to hear from members. Though I have classes at this facility still do not know enough
about the membership.
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I've been recently been considering a membership there, but I might have to go shoot a few rounds of clays there to get a feeler for it. I've only driven past there.
I'm looking for a place to pistol shoot. I'm not too far from that club, I just don't know much about what they offer.. I may have to stop by. I will post what I find out.

They actually have a really nice range, but its snowed in right now and its not used much in the winter.
You can get a membership at the general store in Royalston, I posted this looking for members out there who
could help me maintain the range during the winter months. Its a great place to be a member but very little activity
until the summer
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