Ruger 77/357 experience?

Nov 19, 2009
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Has anyone purchased and/or shot a Ruger 77/357 yet? (Ruger Hawkeye 77 chambered in .357 magnum)

If so, what do you think of it as a reasonably priced mate for my .357 revolver(s)?
My neighbor has a Ruger 77 Hawkeye in .223 - I was not impressed. It isn't anywhere near as accurate as I had hoped (1" groups at 60 yards). Action doesn't seem as robust (heavy duty) as the M77 MK II. Not a pleasant trigger.

I just sold my Ruger M77 Mk II target/varmint rifle in .204 What a huge difference between the two firearms. The .204 was the most accurate off-the-shelf firearm I have ever shot (0.0" group at 125 yards - couldn't tell a 3-round group from the hole by a single round. Worst five-shot group at 125 yards was 3/16"). Totally awesome, benchrest accuracy. Very solid, almost overbuilt.

I suppose the Hawkeye could have been an exceptionally bad one with the MK II an exceptionally good one. Two rifles is not a very good sample size, to say the least.
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