Ruger LC9 Round 2

Jul 18, 2011
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So the firts LC9 I had was a lemon. Mags drops, pins working there way out and, the worst accuracy of any pistol I ever shot. That was last spring. For some reason I got another one. I had the money in my pocket and it looked like it had been shot a good bit, which lead me to belive it was in good working order. Today I fired a mixed bag of ammo, black talons, PDX1 plus p, 2 types of FMJ, 147gr and 115 hornady jhp, remington umc jhp with no issues. At one point I turned and shot at the sand bank at a distance of 35 yards and i saw the bullet impact right on POA. So i stuck a paper plate in the sand at the same distance and hammered it, over, and over again. I was blown away. Paper plate accurate at 35 yards with a LC9. I dont mean I hit it a couple times, I mean almost every time. Its amazing how two of the same guns can be so different. QC at ruger sucks. But when they get it right, they make a fine handgun.

I just thought I would share my experience for those of you that might be looking at the LC9. As far as reliability goes, only time will tell. After I shoot tommorow I will have put around 200 rounds through it. I will post if I have any issues.
I just shot my LC9 for the first time today. Only 50 rounds put through it but 0 issues. I used federal champion 115gr. FMJ. To have a little fun I put the target out at 50 feet and was able to get 4/7 in the 9 and 10 ring and the others in the 8 ring. It has to be one of the most accurate firearms I've ever handled.
Good review, it's good to see you gave it a second chance and had a favorable review even after the initial disappointment. I have the LC9 and have to admit it's grown on me. I originally wanted to turn around and sell it after shooting it the first time with that long trigger pull, but over time I've gotten used to it and have come to actually really enjoy it.
It will make a great pocket gun this summer. Shot another 75 rounds on sat, and it shot great again. Nice little gun.
It is a very good gun. I have put hundreds of rounds through mine with zero issues. And I swear the trigger has improved over time. However, I finally understand what others mean by the false reset but it's not a show stopper. I did recently pick up a Glock 26 and while I know there a major differences in size, the fit and finish of the Glock and the shootability (is that a word?) is far superior (maybe I am moving to the dark side...). I wanted the LC9 for pocket carry, but if my love affair with the G26 continues, I think I will have to file for a divorce with Ruger.
Do you plan to pocket carry your 26? It seems the two guns you mentioned serve two different rolls.

I agree, which is why I mentioned the size difference, but they are both classified as sub compact. And while I haven;t really tried, I believe in a certain outfit I could pocket carry the Glock (I am thinking cargo shorts). I guess the best comparison maybe the Kahr PM9? Don't want to hijack this thread, so my apologies to the OP. Bottom line, the LC 9 is very cool gun and another example of a modern day polymer wonder.
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