Ruger LCP and +P ammo ???


NES Member
Oct 21, 2008
Sweating my nuts off in SouthWest Florida!
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Recently got an LCP, reading the manual says not to use +P ammo in it, I was wondering if anyone has tried shooting +P in an LCP with or without issues..
I know +p will kick like a mule in an LCP but my intention would be a few shots for practice then for carry...

Thoughts, experiences or suggestions? Thanks!
I have looked around on the net about this same subject, and have found many answers. Some ranging from it's OK occasionally, to others having catastrophic failure from using it, and to avoid Magtech altogether. Ruger states not to do so in their FAQ's, and the possibility of having a failure of anykind in a defensive situation would make me steer clear. Anyway, you should have AT LEAST 100 rounds of the exact ammo you carry through your gun with zero malfunctions before you even consider carrying it. So your "few shots for practice and the rest for carry" is truly a bad idea. Buy quality ammo that is within SAAMI specs of what the gun is designed to shoot, and use that after thoroughly testing the ammo and gun for reliability. If you are going to trust your life to it, you need to be 100% confident, and you will never get that from a few rounds.

If you are unhappy with the performance of .380, maybe swap the LCP for a Kel-Tec PF9 or other compact 9mm, major power boost without any side effects. The extra power from +p isn't going to change much if you have good shot placement. Trading reliability for power is a bad idea when it comes to self defense. The gun may be fine for hundreds of rounds, and fail when you need it most. Not a chance I want to take. You can do whatever you like, it's just my opinion. I prefer reliability over all else in self defense, and a little extra power won't make a bad shot any more effective. I say standard ammo and more practice.
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Thanks for the answers. I had looked at the KelTec PF11, but the trigger was truly atrocious... the LCP trigger isn't great, but workable for me.

I'll be putting a lot of rounds through it for testing and familiarity, my concern is since 380 is so tough to find these days, if all I can get is +P then is it ok to use.
First, the P11 is an older model, the PF9 is new, and the trigger has been improved. Still a long pull due to it being DAO, but smoother.

And as far as +P ammo goes, if you are going to trust your life to something, why put rounds through it that it wasn't designed to handle, and risk a malfunction or worse. They are very small lightly built pistols, and are not designed to take the punishment from +P. From what I know, there are no SAAMI specs on .380 +P, so you have no real idea how much extra pressure you are putting through the pistol. Also, you will beat the thing to death. Why abuse the pistol you count on to protect you when your life is on the line.

If it was my life, I would stay with standard ammo, and not risk damaging the pistol I use to protect myself with. Buy enough carry ammo to test the gun and leave plenty to carry. Break the gun in with target ammo, and practice with it as well. You only need to run enough carry ammo through it to ensure reliability, 100 rounds will suffice after the pistol has run well for a few hundred target rounds. Then save 20-40 rounds to carry. There is no need to risk hurting it with +P. You are a free stater, order enough carry ammo to last you through test and carry, even if you have to buy ammo from several sources. There are tons of places to but ammo online, and tons more in NH. Or even consider having your local gin shop order you 150 rounds of carry ammo, it may take a bit to get it, but it will be worth it.

Like I said, only my opinion. It's your life, do as you wish.
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