Ruger LCR +LCP

May 12, 2011
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So in light of the concealed carry problem with an hk uspc , does anyone know where i can test out a ruger lcr or lcp? To consider buying one?

Lol if i don't buy the hk uspc .
i could buy both of these guns .
The LCR/LCP are both pretty difficult to shoot well, and probably not the best choice for a beginner. They're light so they have snappy recoil, a short sight radius that magnifies any mistake you make with your trigger pull, and the triggers on these guns tend to be 'bad'. I would look at a 'fixed' M&P 9c, Glock 26, Kahr P9/PM9, guns that have a bit more weight. Your hands and wrists will thank you at the range.
Really? Cause i would think that the kahr 9 and the kel tec 9 being a 9mm and so short the 9mm caliber would have more recoil than the 380 special in the lcp/lcr . Maybe i should think about going lower to a .32 or something for a tiny conceal gun?
You are confusing your calibers. The LCP is chambered in 380 auto, and the LCR is in 38 special (or 357 magnum). They are two significantly different cartridges.

Also keep in mind it is about weight. F=MA... not QUITE that simple, the physics of internal ballistics and recoil are complicated, but its a decent generalization. Lighter gun = harsher recoil.
ah ok. good point to keep in mind, thats probably why i shot so well with the sigs cause they are all metal.. when im at Four seasons sometime soon i will go and look and feel the kahr and the kel tec
Recoil felt is personal, so you need to try as many of these as possible. The Kahr PM9 is an excellent choice. The M&P and Glock are wider guns so you should think about that. Of course with the Glock you will have significantly more rounds if that's a consideration. A SIG 239 might be something to look at as well.
if only in MA it was that easy to just pick up and try it out on the range..:)

as far as mag capacity .. im not going anywhere near a mag that goes over 10. i don't feel like ever trying to prove a mag from a gun was pre ban.. and i think the glocks, though i have not tried to handle one yet cause i would have to go to FS to touch one ..(gotta wait for my LTC in the mail first) . i don't know , from the looks their grips look huge. id rather carry extra mags in my purse than have a 15-17 round glock mag. M&P compact 9 is a possibility,

problem is trying out these guns, unless maybe i take a weekend drive to Manchester firing line, but id rather not.. i would get a sig 239 if the uspc deal falls through but i don't like how the 239 doesn't have the regular 10+1 mag, i think its a single stack 8+1

i will definitly try and touch the Kahr pm9 when i go to 4 seasons , and if they have any a kel tec 9 as well.
I've never shot a PM9 but I have it's all-steel big brother, the K9 - fantastic gun. Accurate, smooth and a delight to shoot. I'll likely be at Harvard Sportsman's Club over the Memorial Day weekend so if you want to try one, feel free to PM me.

(While they're not MA-compliant, you can often find a used one in MA - I think there's one in the classifieds now, in fact.)
S&W out in Springfield, MFL in Manchester, NH and Bob's in Salisbury, MA all allow gun rentals but they might not have your choices, eg Kahr. If you are close to Andover Sportsmens Club, you can try my Kahr PM9. You can also try my M&P though its a FS. PM me if interested.
Ruger's new LC9 (9mm) is an excellent choice for a ccw pistol, it's lightweight and thin (17.1 oz.) and the recoil is not that bad. I just bought one several weeks ago and I love it. Over 350 trouble free rounds so far.
I think you would save yourself a bunch of money in the long run by taking a trip up to MFL and trying out some different things before spending any of your money. Try out a few potential options and make a decision based on your own findings. As you are still waiting for your LTC to come in, I think you can still shoot at MFL w/o one (probably want to check that).
The LCR/LCP are both pretty difficult to shoot well, and probably not the best choice for a beginner. They're light so they have snappy recoil, a short sight radius that magnifies any mistake you make with your trigger pull, and the triggers on these guns tend to be 'bad'. I would look at a 'fixed' M&P 9c, Glock 26, Kahr P9/PM9, guns that have a bit more weight. Your hands and wrists will thank you at the range.

I have no experience with the LCP, but as for the triggers being "bad", the LCR actually has an excellent trigger -- much better than the PM9 IMHO. Get out there and try everything for yourself, and don't write off the USPc in the conceal-ability department. Unless you're hellbent on pocket carry, there's no reason to avoid a slightly larger gun. Plus, as whatluck implied, you'll enjoy yourself a lot more @ the range.
I have no experience with the LCP, but as for the triggers being "bad", the LCR actually has an excellent trigger -- much better than the PM9 IMHO. Get out there and try everything for yourself, and don't write off the USPc in the conceal-ability department. Unless you're hellbent on pocket carry, there's no reason to avoid a slightly larger gun. Plus, as whatluck implied, you'll enjoy yourself a lot more @ the range.

I say 'bad' because even the LCR with it's nice non stacky 10 lb pull it kind of hard to pull through, especially compared to a DAO striker pistol like a Glock.
I say 'bad' because even the LCR with it's nice non stacky 10 lb pull it kind of hard to pull through, especially compared to a DAO striker pistol like a Glock.

That's kind of my point -- I just wouldn't really compare the two. The LCR has an exceptionally smooth trigger for a DAO revolver, and a Glock trigger is great in it's own right. So while I agree in absolute terms, I'd say we're talking apples & oranges here.
Maybe i should think about going lower to a .32 or something for a tiny conceal gun?

I think that no matter how small of a woman you are, you should be able to find something in a bigger caliber than that for a concealed carry gun that you can manage recoil-wise. IMO the .32acp is long since obsolete (at least for a main carry gun) when there is so much available out there for carry guns. I own a .32acp but it's a 100-year old Colt just for collector's and plinking at the range purposes. I had a NAA 32. guardian that was reliable and very tiny but that was only for ankle-carry (a back-up gun). Sold it because the LCP took over the ankle spot.
Its tough to get up to nh when your living in southern ma. But its good to know people like the lcr. When i get my license i will spend a full day going up to FS and then up to MFL
I know this has been hashed around on various threads, but the Ruger website still doesn't list the LCP as MA compliant. This does not mean it would be impossible to aquire one. Just may take some searching.
Some friends and I did a little side-by-side comparison of the LCP, Bodyguard .380 and Sig P238 tonight. We all agreed that the Sig P238 was the best shooter of the bunch.

They were all about the same size (LCP slightly smaller) but the P238 weighed a bit more. Bodyguard gives you a laser which is nice if you're into that and the P238 gives you real night sights. Also the P238 is SA only so the trigger is a lot nicer than the others but some people have issues with conceal carrying a SA only gun.

The LC9 & PM9 are small but a bit larger than the little .380's. Also the Glock 26/M&P9c/LCR are quite a bit larger still. If you want an auto and don't feel that the LCR is too big then your best bet in MA is the M&P9c. I'd recommend the Glock 26 but although it's a fantastic gun it's not worth the markup in MA over the Smith.

In the end if you want to stick with a small .380 and a little extra weight isn't a problem check out the Sig P238. However you might be surprised how well an Officer or Commander size 1911 hides [smile]
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Yeh i actually dont like the idea of C+L , its why im going to go send the uspc i get , to HK or someone closeby that will convert the V1 to a light lem, ideally 5.5 lbs to 6 im going to test the lcr tonight.
Have you looked at the SR9c? It's not much bigger than the LC9 and it has a very crisp 5lb trigger. It's no bigger than the HK you were considering in the first place. Why sacrifice crappy triggers and weaker caliber for the sake of sub concealment? Where are you primarily going to carry? on your person IWB, or in a purse?
I think you should take a hard look at the SR9c, it's easy to shoot and very accurate. Just my .02
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