Ruger LCR range report.

Feb 10, 2008
Feedback: 14 / 0 / 0
I finally got a chance to take this gun to the range today.
The trigger is very smooth and doesn't build up as you pull it back. I'm not really sure how to explain how it feels. The pull doesn't seem to get heavier as you draw it back it feels like it stays at the same weight throughout the whole length of the double action pull. In the past I've had double action revolvers feel different than this. I like this trigger a lot.
The recoil is almost nonexistent for a short barrel revolver. I shot 150 rounds of standard pressure .38 special and 20 rounds of .38 special +p and my hand felt fine. In the past I have shot a Smith and Wesson Model 640 and Model 36 and the recoil seemed about equal to those, but those were much heavier.
The accuracy was decent for such a short barrel. I think that may have been more to do with my inexperience with small revolvers than the quality of the gun, because my father in law who has carried a J Frame for years got much smaller groups than me. Still at 20 feet I was able to put all five rounds on a 5 inch target.
The sights were easy to pick up as the front sight is very large compared to my other compact guns. I might paint it white or get an upgraded sight such as a Big Dot to make it easier to pick up in low light.
I think this is going to become my new carry gun because it's very light and I think the .38 special +p loads I can use in it are a hell of a lot better than the .380 ACP loads I currently carry. My Kel-Tec will still have it's place but I think this revolver is going to become my main carry for the forseeable future.
I think I got a good deal since it's cheaper than an S&W J frame (brand new at least), lighter, and performs well. YMMV.
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I have been waiting for a review- thanks so much for posting.
I hate to ask as I just don't remember but is that 5 or 6 round capacity?
I take it due to its frame it would be lighter then my 642
I held my LCR and a 442 and had both in a pocket holster and I couldn't feel a very significant different in weight between the two. The LCR felt a little lighter in the hand but nothing that would change the feel in your pocket all day.

The capacity is five rounds as M1911 said and it fits S&W J Frame speedloaders. It also fits any holsters that fit a 2 inch barrel Ruger SP101.
Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum holds six and the 115 grain loads are about equivalent to a 125 grain .38 special load. Or an old Colt detective special holds six .38 special rounds.

But both of those guns are steel and will weigh more than an LCR or 642.
Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum holds six and the 115 grain loads are about equivalent to a 125 grain .38 special load. Or an old Colt detective special holds six .38 special rounds.

But both of those guns are steel and will weigh more than an LCR or 642.

Yes I have investigated that route also.
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