Ruger LCR

I have one and to be honest it is one of my favorites! shoots real well, very lightweight and heck I even pocket carry it! :) I really like the grip fits my hand nicely and the trigger ain't half bad either! but of course this is just my opinion, everyone is different! [grin]
I have an LCR for carry...not a gun that you will enjoy blasting at the range all the time...relatively comfortable, light and fairly easy to conceal...not super accurate but a good close contact firearm...packs quite the recoil due to its light weight...PM me if you have any specific questions...
I've got one of these calling my name at FS. What do you all think? How do you like them? I've been wanting a j frame for awhile.

Have you looked at the S&W Model 642 or 442? I have both and they seem better quality/built than the Ruger. The Smith may cost a little more, but if used for "personal protection"...the extra $ is no big deal to me.
Don't own one but they seem to be a hot little gun. I'd have no problem looking hard at it if I were in the market. A good choice.
Have you looked at the S&W Model 642 or 442? I have both and they seem better quality/built than the Ruger. The Smith may cost a little more, but if used for "personal protection"...the extra $ is no big deal to me.

I have looked at the S&W models I like those as well but Im just really into the Ruger and it feels great in my hand.
I have looked at the S&W models I like those as well but Im just really into the Ruger and it feels great in my hand.

I do agree that the Ruger LCR is a nice firearm, just presenting options for you. If it "feels good", then by all means get it. It is important that your carry gun "feels good and fits you". Happy shooting! [grin]
I had one, and it shot great. Then about a week later while dry firing, the firing pin broke. I disassembled it to confirm that is what was broke and WOW. It looked like the inside of a cap gun. All the metal looked cheap and rough. Nothing like the inside of a j frame or any other gun that I have ever disassembled for that matter.After it got repaired from the factory I sold it. In fact they tell you not to disassemble the gun and I belive thats why. If it were me after what I saw and experienced I would purchase somthing else.
I would go with the 357 version if you can find one. Best of both worlds. You can shoot 357mag and 38spl then

There is no comparison on the Ruger trigger and S&W trigger on the 642 series. The Ruger trigger is 10 times better, and is built solid and it is lighter.
I agree, with Ntomsw. I have the SW442. i love to carry it. light, easy to carry. The trigger however stacks horribly. it is hard to get a smooth pull with it. A friend of mine has the LCR and i like the trigger better. Some day I will switch but it is low on the priority list. I can shoot the 442, but would prefer an LCR

The 442 is about $449- $469 new, but feels like it might be built a little stronger. similar to teh other's posted comment.
I've put nearly 1,000 rounds of standard pressure factory .38 through mine. Not even a hint of trouble. Always feels mechanically solid and the trigger is glass smooth. With practice, the accuracy can be remarkable. I can consistently keep 5 slow-fire shots within a hand print at 50 feet (and I've got little lunch-pickers). I replaced the factory front ramp site with a small-diameter XS Big Dot, which positions beautifully in the rear sight trench. I find the gun incredibly comfortable to shoot (though I've never shot any +P with it). I once put put 200 rounds through it during a single range session (over the course of about an hour) with no soreness or abrasions.

I recommend shooting it with an IPSC-style thumbs-forward grip with non-dominant thumb alongside the frame just below the cylinder (just don't get that non-dom thumb so far forward that it gets beyond the cylinder face - youch! hot gas, and maybe worse!)
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