Ruger Mark III problem

Aug 10, 2005
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
If I pull the bolt back, pistol pointed up ward it will cock and fire. If I hold the pistol horizontally, pull bolt back and release the hammer does not cock. Any ideas? Yes it is clean, have owned it since 2004, many rounds down range, maybe 15,000 or more.
Dr. Bullseye's Ruger Mark I/II/III and 22/45 Troubleshooting Chart

Check out # 14

14. My pistol won't drop the hammer when I pull the trigger, nothing works since I detail stripped my pistol.

The trigger return spring or plunger may have fallen out of the pistol disengaging the disconnector lever.

Turn your pistol upside down and shake a little. Try the trigger again. If hammer drops, field strip the pistol and check for missing parts.
Definitely sounds like something is missing &/or out of place. Did this start since your last time stripping it?
I would bet money that you recently disassembled it for a cleaning. Upon reassembly there is a hook that has to be positioned exactly (usually by positioning the gun upwards) or you end up with those symptoms. There are many youtube videos showing the reassembly procedure.
I did the exact same thing twice thinking that I had it right... I think Satan designed the take down/reassembly steps for that gun.
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