Recently got a new Mark III 5 1/2" bull barrel target model. Mounted an ultra dot
on it and it is extreamly accurate. The problem is after loading about every third clip the gun acts like the gun has no clip in it at all (it won't fire) Like the hammer didn't get cocked or the trigger is disengaged I have to unload the chamber and take out th clip and reload. I think it's that darn safety device that wont let the gun fire without the magazine in place .It happens about every third clip. Need advice.
on it and it is extreamly accurate. The problem is after loading about every third clip the gun acts like the gun has no clip in it at all (it won't fire) Like the hammer didn't get cocked or the trigger is disengaged I have to unload the chamber and take out th clip and reload. I think it's that darn safety device that wont let the gun fire without the magazine in place .It happens about every third clip. Need advice.