Ruger Mark III problem

Jun 20, 2009
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Recently got a new Mark III 5 1/2" bull barrel target model. Mounted an ultra dot
on it and it is extreamly accurate. The problem is after loading about every third clip the gun acts like the gun has no clip in it at all (it won't fire) Like the hammer didn't get cocked or the trigger is disengaged I have to unload the chamber and take out th clip and reload. I think it's that darn safety device that wont let the gun fire without the magazine in place .It happens about every third clip. Need advice.
Something to check first is does the problem occur when using a single mag? If you are using more then one mag, mark them and test again. If it is a probelm with the mag it will be evident.
I would also disassemble and clean, and lube everything. Maybe there is some fine machining debris left in the action that is causing an issue - all fail call Ruger they are great to work with.
Not sure but I know I had a bunch of problems with mine functioning until I removed the mag safety. Runs like a top now.

Just dissasemble, you will see a washer with a little arm on it which dissengages the safetly. If you grind or cut off the arm and re-essemble (you need the washer for spacing) you will be good to go. Took me like 20 minutes. You might try and google for some pics and a better explaination.
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The magazine safety devise is pretty robust. As long as your magazine is inserted correctly, the problem is most likely somewhere else.

Have you had the pleasure of completely disassembling this gun yet? They're wicked fun to break down if you've never done it before. (insert sarcastic face. [wink])
Clips are for holding papers and bags of chips closed.

Magazines on the other hand are for use in firearms and for reading.

The Mark 3 is not my favorite weapon of choice... I like my P22 more. Have you stripped it down yet? It is a horrible task I do not wish on anyone however, be sure it is clean. Dirty rimfire ammo can cause all sorts of weird problems. Also have you checked the clips... err I mean magazines :)
Oh God...Not this shit again... I call them: "bullet holder in thingys"...Is that okay?

Serioisly, I know WWII vets who used M1 Carbines and Thompson SMG's, (one a relative) who called mags "clips"...It came from their training and stuck...Every time I see this argument online I think: How stupid...If he wants to call them clips, we all know what the f*** he means....
Clips are for holding papers and bags of chips closed.

Magazines on the other hand are for use in firearms and for reading.

The Mark 3 is not my favorite weapon of choice... I like my P22 more. Have you stripped it down yet? It is a horrible task I do not wish on anyone however, be sure it is clean. Dirty rimfire ammo can cause all sorts of weird problems. Also have you checked the clips... err I mean magazines :)

Weapons are for terrorists and murderers.

Firearms are for responsible enthusiasts like ourselves. [wink]
Weapons are for terrorists and murderers.

Firearms are for responsible enthusiasts like ourselves. [wink]

And here it is I was thinking we were now calling the imports Overseas Contingency Operators and Domestic Contingency Operators for the home grown variety.

I must have missed the flip flop memo. [wink]
I have no problem removing the bolt from my Mark III and re installing it (reading and following the instructions in the manual is the key) but I havn't been able to get my barrell off yet. I've banged it with a rubber mallet and hit it with a short 2x4.It's stuck. What about deep cleaning with strong de greaser and high pressure air then a good dose of CLP. Good or bad??
By the way my problem happens with both of my clips and usually 30 or 40 rounds into a shooting session.
Recently got a new Mark III 5 1/2" bull barrel target model. Mounted an ultra dot
on it and it is extreamly accurate. The problem is after loading about every third clip the gun acts like the gun has no clip in it at all (it won't fire) Like the hammer didn't get cocked or the trigger is disengaged I have to unload the chamber and take out th clip and reload. I think it's that darn safety device that wont let the gun fire without the magazine in place .It happens about every third clip. Need advice.

You asked for advice not BS so here is some. The disconnect could be the problem and the sear could also be a problem. My advice is call Ruger and ask them. If you do not get a satisfactory answer, contact a local Gunsmith. My Ruger MKIII was worked on by Greg Derr ( He really did a fine job on it. I highly recommend his work.
A new guy comes here for advice and you guys shit on him. Nice going.

Since the pistol is new, your best bet will be to contact Ruger and see if they can fix it for you. Good luck with it, let us know how you make out.
A new guy comes here for advice and you guys shit on him. Nice going.

Thanks Jim - that was exactly what I was trying to say, but I was too pissed off to say it...

From this day forward, I will refer to Magazines as "clips" and hope that no one dares abbreviate magazines to "mag" or "mags" either, as that means something entirely different. A mag is a part to an engine, so please everyone, suspend use of mag from this day forward....After all, we need to be spot on with our terminology it seems.....[thinking]

To the OP, I suspect clip disconnect as well - especially if this repeats with multiple changes of clips. If it continues, call Ruger - they have been excellent with me regarding two customers guns, (slow, but excellent). As RGS mentioned, it may indeed be something that a quick trip to one of the excellent smiths on NES could diagnose and perhaps even fix. Greg Derr seems highly regarded here...
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