Ruger SP 101 Issue?/Help

Dec 7, 2011
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I am just looking for some advice on whether or not my Ruger SP101 is having issues or if it is just me... Yeah I know this seems nuts! After watching these two videos posted by another forum member
I went and tested out my revolvers. When I got to my SP101 in .357 I noticed two things. It took more force to cock my hammer back, and when I opened the cylinder and spun it (not cowboy style) it seemed really tight and not as smooth as my others. Is this particular to the firearm?
I have owned this gun for almost a year now, purchased it lightly used, have shot maybe 250 rnds +/- through it in .357 and .38 with no issues. For the life of me I can not remember if this is how it always has been or not. Otherwise every other aspect of the gun is fine, and am not sure if like I said before, is a characteristic of these pieces. I am guessing the hammer being tight to cock back could be related to the cylinder not spinning as free, I even tried throwing a little more oil around the cylinder, which did not help. There is no gritty feeling or anything like that, it just does not spin like my others.
Thanks in a advance... am I nuts?
First things first, and that is clean it. Get a manual for it if you don't have one. Ruger has them on their website for free. Disassemble into the major components as shown in the manual. Clean the heck out of it. Soak in your favorite cleaner, etc.

My Ruger GP100, your guns big brother, was full of "stuff" from the factory and was pretty stiff operating. Cleaning it put it right.
+1 for cleaning. If after cleaning, the cylinder still doesnt spin well then you probably need to detail strip the crane/cylinder and clean than out. Grime likes to build up in between the cylinder and the cylinder axle (part of the crane) which binds up the cylinder against the locking bearings on the axle. I am also a GP100 owner and mine spins freely if held horizontal or slightly downward but if you hold it pointing upward the cylinder feels a little gritty when it spins because its no longer resting on the locking bearings. You can find detail strip info for the cylinder online. You'll need a 3/32 punch and an 1/8 punch at the same time to strip it. PM me if you need more info.
Thanks in a advance... am I nuts?

Probably. Is the cylinder binding or catching while you spin it slowly? Try cleaning and a light gun oil and it should spin more freely.

The factory mainspring is ridiculously heavy. Try a Wolff spring kit from Brownells to improve the action.
Rugers don't have a nice factory trigger like S&W. As others have said give it a good cleaning and if that doesn't work send it back to Ruger or send it to Greg Derr and have him do an action job. Had him do my GP 100 and the difference between factory and his work is like night and day
I would have it checked. I have a Ruger SP101 in 357. The cylinder spins like a top, and the hammer is easy to pull. I dried fired the gun a lot with dummy rounds. The trigger was smooth but it got smoother with time. It's about 2 months old.
Thanks for all the advice, looks like I gotta track down a manual on how to take the cylinder apart and go from there...
That was a HUGE help. Watched a couple of videos on disassemble and reassemble, from start to finish with a good cleaning only took about 15 min. Of all my years first time taking a revolver apart like that, wasn't hard at all and now my wheel gun spins!
Thanks for all the advice, looks like I gotta track down a manual on how to take the cylinder apart and go from there...

Ruger has put the manual online:

Ruger SP101s are easy to take apart. Just follow the instructions in the manual.

ETA: looks like you already figured it out. Btw, S&W are a whole different animal.
I have a SW .38 Bodyguard. It spins but not as freely as i have seen other revolvers do. Should all revolvers"spin like a top" or is it just some revolvers that are built that way?
That was a HUGE help. Watched a couple of videos on disassemble and reassemble, from start to finish with a good cleaning only took about 15 min. Of all my years first time taking a revolver apart like that, wasn't hard at all and now my wheel gun spins!

Glad it all worked for you. Now go out there and shoot it!
By the way, can you post a pic. Always like to see some gun porn.
I will have to figure out how to get it from my phone to computer... Not good at this stuff... Any recommendations? I have some real nice Pau ferro (?sp) wood grips on them too, looks sharp!
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