Ruger SP101 vs. S&W Model 60 Revolver - 2 1/8"

I like my SP101 but have never owned a Smith. I shoot a lot of .38's through mine as well as the magnums. Is a bit heavier than the Smith. I prefer the hamerless.
Reptile, both of those are great guns... IF you wear a holster on your belt. They get a little heavy in your pocket, and I prefer pocket carry, and no hammer.
I've shot many iterations of the 60 and like it very much but never purchased or carried one.

I have a hammered SP101 and carry it iwb and owb. Fantastic firearm. Built like a tank and weighs slightly less than one(especially weighty for a snubbie.) Tames 158gr and 124 gr full loads much more than other simillarly intended snubbies. It seems to really like the 158's in .38spl and mag loads. I really, really like this piece, a lot!

This piece even carried well and concealed well in a bianchi iwb POS holster that i used for a short time before I tossed it for my preferred owb.
Also, my prefered pocket and iwb deep ccw is my 642 w/135gr speer. For what it's worth.
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I have a DAO SP101 with the bobbed hammer. I love it. It is a lil' heavy in your pocket. Much better on the belt. A S&W 642 would be better for carry but, the SP101 is better for shooting. Mine is a keeper.
I have owned both. Including a Model 60 with a bobbed hammer and a recessed cylinder for moon clips. I defintely prefer hammerless. The 60 is better for pocket carry (sans hammer). Either model really needs to have the trigger tuned. The SP101 is more comfortable to shoot with heavy loads. Both are great guns, so I think it comes down to personal preference (or cost). The SP101 is a lot cheaper, is an absolute tank and willl last several lifetimes.
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