ruger sr 1911 or para ordnance p14

Feb 15, 2011
south shore
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i was looking into getting my first 1911 style .45 im in between a ruger sr 1911 but they seem to be out of stock and i really like the stainless para p 14. for the extra money the para seems like a better choice anyone have one that you can give me your opinion on
That's a bizarre decision, although it's pretty much a no brainer. The Para is a piece of s**t compared to the Ruger.

Not that Ruger is the only game in town for 1911s... but I would put Para way down on the list, with only a few makers lower than them. (eg, Taurus) Para's parts and QC are often terrible.

I have had a Para 14.45 (14 round clips) for years and never had a problem. Shoot my home made stuff along with what ever is on sale.
My Para P14 was the second handgun I ever bought. It is also the worst handgun I've ever bought.

Lots of failures to feed, usually near the end of the magazine. After putting a couple thousand rounds through it, the hammer started following the slide down, so I had to have the hammer, sear, and disconnector replaced. Now the slide stop notch is wearing down and needs work.

The Ruger SR1911 is a far better gun.
There are many who say that they have had Paras for years with no problems, but there are many who say Para is crap. I know that Four Seasons will no longer carry Para because of quality control and customer service issues. Para was, however, recently acquired by a firearms conglomerate that includes some top brands, so maybe things will change, as least with regard to consistency.

Ruger has a much better track record than Para, and I don't see how you could go wrong with a Ruger SR1911. That would be my choice between the two.
Take the para out of the equation. As for the Ruger, good reports, but hard to find. Look into the Remington, Smith, and of course if you wanna do it right, go for a colt or Springfield.
My P14-40 that I no longer have was a great gun. It shot flawlessly and it was dead accurate. Shot it for 3-4 years before I sold it. Just throwing that info out there because its always Para bashing and for good reason but not everyone's experience is the same.

I have heard nothing but good things about the Ruger 1911, I have a S&W1911PD and its fantastic.
take a gander at the Remington R1, also another decent gun for the money as said above. i would steer clear of para's till thier new lot comes thru, hopefully they can make a decent gun under new management. also rock island armory has decent pieces

yeah i want the ruger but cant find one i have wanted a para for years but never got one i have a ruger sr9c and love it so maybe ill just wait i have read plenty of good reviews on the sr1911 and for the price it seems well worth it
Here's the trick:

From a personal experience, I've had terrible luck with both the quality and customer service from Para (search "Para Warthog" by Fooped) for an entertaining read. I don't carry them at my shop for this reason. The Ruger is a great product, but honestly, good luck finding one...anywhere. Ruger has stopped taking orders from distributors and retailers for the foreseeable future, so what's "in the pipe" is what's available.

The Remington 1911R1 Enhanced model, on the other hand, is an excellent piece of machinery (we've sold quite a few) and is currently available in somewhat limited quantities. It compares to much higher-end products and has a bunch of factory-installed upgrades (extended beaver tail, match-grade trigger and barrel, serrated slide etc) and is reasonably priced (899.99 through us).

Not trying to dissuade you from the Ruger, but rather to explain the lack of availability at the dealer level.

Hope this helps!
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I bought a used P14 that had already been tuned. It functions flawlessly with any .45 ammo, even when the gun is FILTHY.

If you buy a P14, you will need to put at least another $200 into it with gunsmithing to make it run reliably. My thoughts only.
I have a Para LTC (single stack 1911, commander sized) and it's never had a problem feeding or firing any .45 ACP I've put into it. But for the money, there are better options out there (now).
I believe that Para has changed ownership and location in the last couple of years. That's not a recipe for good quality control.

My P14 was an early gun, before they changed ownership.

I have a Para LTC (single stack 1911, commander sized) and it's never had a problem feeding or firing any .45 ACP I've put into it. But for the money, there are better options out there (now).

I got the impression that their single stack guns tended to have less problems than their double-stack guns. But as you say, there are better options now, even in MA (Ruger, S&W, etc.).
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