S&W 1076 (or probably any 3rd gen) side plate removal


Mar 3, 2009
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Anybody know how to remove the retaining ring off of the pin on a side plate for a S&W 1076? I've asked on S&W forum but I haven't gotten any replies. The retaining ring sits in a groove on the end of the pin. The ring is a real tiny, flat C clip. The gap in the ring is approximately 1mm wide. I can't find any tools small enough to spread the gap and let me get the ring off.

I'm trying to replace the side plate as it is bent and the curved end of the plate no longer contacts the plunger on the slide stop. I've sourced a replacement side plate (and a new retaining ring to use with it -- I think these are one use items).

Well, I dunno if it's the right way or not... but I tried the thing that I had initially feared doing: drive out the pin. I didn't have to hit it all that hard either. The groove in the pin is radiused and the retaining ring came right off. D'oh.

Replacement side plate should be here tomorrow, hooray!
The 1076 because of it's side decocker lever is a very problem-some gun to work on and once you take it apart unless you know how to put back together you will end up with a bag of parts. Even the guys at S&W that were not around when this gun was being produced don't want to work on them. This gun is different then the other 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen. guns because of the side decocker and is much harder because you have to get the half gear to line up with the decock lever and you need to juggle more the one pin at a time.
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The ring is a real tiny, flat C clip.

We call that a "Jesus Clip".
When you pop it off, and it goes flying across the room, never to be seen again, you suddenly find yourself yelling "Oh, Jesus".

The 1076 because of it's side decocker lever is a very problem-some gun to work on and once you take it apart unless you know how to put back together you will end up with a bag of parts.

You ain't kidding, brother. What a pain in the ass. I got it all fixed up but it took me a few hours.
We call that a "Jesus Clip".
When you pop it off, and it goes flying across the room, never to be seen again, you suddenly find yourself yelling "Oh, Jesus".


Yeah, I bought two replacement rings before I started. I lost the original, lost one of the replacements, lost the other replacement, found the original, found the second replacement, put the original on, found I didn't put the decocking gear in the right starting point, took it apart again, and used a replacement the second time.

... [crying]

I can only imagine what it must cost to have a gunsmith work on one of these!
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