Anybody know how to remove the retaining ring off of the pin on a side plate for a S&W 1076? I've asked on S&W forum but I haven't gotten any replies. The retaining ring sits in a groove on the end of the pin. The ring is a real tiny, flat C clip. The gap in the ring is approximately 1mm wide. I can't find any tools small enough to spread the gap and let me get the ring off.
I'm trying to replace the side plate as it is bent and the curved end of the plate no longer contacts the plunger on the slide stop. I've sourced a replacement side plate (and a new retaining ring to use with it -- I think these are one use items).
I'm trying to replace the side plate as it is bent and the curved end of the plate no longer contacts the plunger on the slide stop. I've sourced a replacement side plate (and a new retaining ring to use with it -- I think these are one use items).