S&W 1911s

Anybody have experience w/ the new E series? I'm looking at the SC model...Pricing?

Bobbed grip frame Commander sized? I have one as well as a full 5" size. Those SC's are pricey rascals, 1100 - 1250 in a shop on a good day waving cash maybe. The full boat tag on mine was $1350. Look in the classified's here, a couple decent deals not too long ago.
I have the full size 1911TA and the 1911Sc Bobtail, they are both awesome guns!!!! If you just want a fun to shoot and stable range gun, then get the full size E Series, If you plan to carry or care that much about looks then the Sc is the ticket. I love both of mine and fighting the urge to buy a 3rd
I have both the two tone and all black bob tail. Great shooting guns which have been flawless to date. I also have a 9mm pro series which is really nice as well.
Looking for some more feedback....I'm waiting to pull the trigger on buying (bad pun I know) one til tax free weekend...
i don't own an e series but i own a S&W 1911 and it functions flawlessly . i would expect the same from their other 1911s
Lol they run great, both e series and standards. I had government, commander and officers models and all work flawlessly

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Looking for some more feedback....I'm waiting to pull the trigger on buying (bad pun I know) one til tax free weekend...

I own a SW1911SC. Put a hundred rounds through it just yesterday. Love this gun, my current favorite in my collection. Price is $1250-1350 with most closer to $1350.
One of the NES members here has put somewhere around 70k rounds through his with no issues. I think he changed the extractor once.
One of the NES members here has put somewhere around 70k rounds through his with no issues. I think he changed the extractor once.
I hope he reloads...! If he was paying $20 a box, thats about $28,000 in ammo! haha

I own one of the round butt SC E Series, and it has been absolutely awesome! Paid $1,250 with tax, and it was on a credit card, so no cash discount. I don't have a bank out here yet, so it's hard to find a grocery store that will let you get $1,000 cash back [laugh]
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