S&W 638

Sep 22, 2009
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I was looking at a S&W 638 airweight with the shrouded hammer... Any1 have any thing good or bad to say? Im not sure how it shoots with it being so light and all. Just wanted to hear anything about it before i buy it.
All the ariweight j frames are a handful in terms of recoil and control if using +P but this is simply a matter of practice and it seems to what I am describing is relative to the user.

The only criticism that I have ever heard regarding the traditional Bodyguard Model is that lint and other detritus will work its way into the shroud surrounding the hammer and is hard to clean out, This is not the case with the totally enclosed hammer Centennial or the Chief's Special which has no shroud.

I personally think any of the j frame S&W make excellent CCW and BUG guns. They are reliable, relatively inexpensive and easy to carry and fairly concealable. My choice over a smaller sized semi-auto. They normally go bang when you pull the trigger and are not ammo-sensitive. IMO your choice is a good one. Just keep it clean, use a tooth brush or a pipe cleaner if you notice build-up in that area, but everyone should maintain their guns anyway so I don't think that is that big of a deal.
I jut did an APEX trigger job on one yesterday for my nephew. My thoughts before the trigger was done was that it was crazy heavy! Must have been 15lbs! After the kit, it was still heavy, but better... A little polishing of some internals may make it even better.
The APEX kit was simple to do on it.

We then took it to the range for tests, I HATE the sights on it in a low light range, outdoors may be better.
The recoil is a bit much, not crazy, but you need to hang on. He had actually bought it for his girl to use at the range, she's also getting her LTC. She shot it once (one round) and put it down and said "no thanks" because of the recoil.

It is a nice looking little revolver, light, and would make a decent backup gun IMHO.

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Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like i will be making an excellent choice... Can't wait to pick it up on my next day off.:D
Just picked up a model 642 "performance center" for my wife. The ruger sp101 we own is just too bulky for her to feel comfortable carrying......I love that gun but for a woman to conceal it is a bit*h. We actually went to look at a ruger lcr......but once she saw that s and w with the rosewood grips....she was in love. Then she dry fired it and was sold.....the performance center trigger is a big difference over the ruger. Anyway.......I could only find .38+p corbon ammo for carry and .38+p blazer fmj for practice. I'm thinking she may dislike the recoil of +p (the gun is only 15 ounces compared to over 30 ounces for the sp101) but we'll see this weekend when she puts it through the paces. Once I find some regular pressure .38 carry ammo I'll pick that up for her. Anyway......the j frame is a good option for ccw IMO.
I have a 638. I went with it over the 642 so that I could practice a little bit in single action. I wouldn't plan on using the SA in a defensive situation.

Any alloy j-frame is fairly unpleasant to shoot. It's not very accurate and can be painful shooting +P. I can shoot my Glock 27 much better.

However, it can't be beat for real world reliable and it's very easy to carry.
Mine is an older Model 38. Once I switched from the original wood grips to Hogue grips, it became much easier to shoot. Great gun.
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