S & W 686


NES Member
Aug 29, 2014
Hopkinton, MA
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Been so busy with work and family lately haven't really had time to scoot off to the range. Went MFS today and decided to shoot a revolver. I put 50 rounds thru a Smith and Wesson 686 with the 4 inch barrel.

It was a blast. Stupid grin on my face the whole time. Big, heavy and beautiful stainless steel firearm. No creep in single action and a smooth and wicked heavy double action. I guess my wallet will be lighter soon. Would love to hear feedback on the S&W 686, the Ruger GP100 and the Taurus 669. All opinions appreciated.

I think they're beautiful, I should probably go rent one too.

Since I'm not used to revolvers I worry I'll have the wrong grip and burn my hand or something.
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My son has a 686, and I have a GP100. We both love 'em both! Sturdy, accurate, reliable and potent. I even lug the 3+ pound lump with me when hunting in NH.

Don't tell my son, but I think the 686 is the better looker.
My son has a 686, and I have a GP100. We both love 'em both! Sturdy, accurate, reliable and potent. I even lug the 3+ pound lump with me when hunting in NH.

Don't tell my son, but I think the 686 is the better looker.

That seems to be the common theme - 686 better looking/finish and GP100 maybe more reliable?
I got a 6" stainless GP100 and love it! Got a trigger job by Greg Derr and it's a sweet shooter. Built like a tank. I don't even know how many thousand full house magnum loads I've shot through it and it's still going strong.

The 686 is a nice gun too. I've shot both but I went with the Ruger since it was almost $200 cheaper at Four Seasons. And I think it's built stronger than the S&W but you'd prob have to shoot quite a few magnun loads in the S&W before having any issues?
My 686 with 3" barrel is my favorite shooter and the sweetest looking firearm I own. Shoots like a dream in double action almost as nice as single action. It's like a great looking blonde chick with brains and humor - you just love spending as much time with it as possible.
i own a 686 plus 4" barrel and a GP100 match champion.

my feelings:

S&W 686 - wonderful finish and aesthetics. i prefer the plus model as it holds 7 rounds instead of 6. however options for speed loaders are much less w the plus model. my 686 had to go back to S&W because the barrel was crooked as **** and the DA trigger pull was snagging on something internally. the funny part is that they kept telling me the gun was perfectly fine over the phone....they reluctantly issued an RMA just to shut me up, and sure enough they did a shit-ton of work on the gun so apparently i wasn't totally confused. they completely replaced the barrel and fixed the trigger. apparently it got a little trigger job because now it's wonderful. that being said, if you choose to purchased a 686 I would suggest inspecting the exact gun you are getting. make sure it looks straight and the trigger is right.

GP100 - better value. i picked up the match champion model which i dig. unfortunately the trigger pull weight was retard heavy out of the box. picked up some Wolff springs, disassembled the gun and swapped in a lighter trigger return spring and mainspring, then the trigger pull is absolutely unparalleled. IMO, the GP100 with wolf springs generates a trigger just as good as a performance center S&W except literally half the price.

also the GP100 is unbelieveably rugged gun. something like one of those weird ass pet birds i think the GP100 will outlive it's owner.
I have a 3" GP100 and have shot this and a 4" 686 side by side. First off: I would get the shortest barrel you can find on either of these models (maybe it's just me but the BANG is bigger and me likey that). Both are great choices. The GP100 is cheaper which is why I opted for it
I love the 686. It's one of those firearms you pick up and you feel like you can hit anything. So pleasant to shoot, whether it's 38sp or .357mag.

If you're looking for a revolver, I'd recommend it heartily.
I love my 686 Talo Edition. The unfluted cylinder looks really classy with the 7 inch barrel.

Mine came with a beautiful stock trigger with a very crisp break in single action. In double action it's very predictable as the cylinder rolls into position and you can feel the 2 clicks right before the break. Not sure if that stock trigger performance is the same for all 686s, but it's great.

I've shot .44 Magnum, .45 Long Colt, and .480 Ruger and while recoil isn't an issue for me with them, I love my S&W 686 and could never let it become a safe queen.

Pretty sure Four Seasons used to have an ad for the 686 on their web site. It said "Everyone should own a 686."

I agree.

The 686 4" is such a versatile handgun there really is no downside.

I have a 686 CS1 Customs Service overrun. Great revolver. If you get a good one, you just cant get anything better...period.

Beware QC at S&W can be spotty and it would appear that at this time S&W is going thru one of those spotty periods.

GP100 is a terrific gun, I shot the New Match Champion Model a couple weeks ago. Can't go wrong. Better QC IMO and built to last forever.

My choice: S&W if proven to be top notch in every way, otherwise Ruger, but even if presented with a decent Smith (note I said decent not exceptional) and a decent Ruger and all things being equal, it comes down to a matter of personal choice.
You really can't go wrong with either one. The 686 and GP100 are probably the 2 best range revolvers in the world. If you want a Revo for home defense, hunting, general range use, etc. they are both equivalent, so pick the one that feels better in your hand and looks nicer to you. If you think you want to shoot competitions regularly with it then I think you should consider the S&W. If you go to any competition where revolvers are shot by non-beginners, 98% will be shooting S&W revolvers. Not necessarily the 686, but it will be a S&W.

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Also, you do need to be wary of S&W quality control. I've seen 3 Revos purchased locally by friends in the last couple of years that had to go back to the shop because they didn't work.

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I've never shot the GP100, so I can't comment on the differences. The trigger on my 686 was awesome from the factory, very crisp. I've been told at the range a couple of times that I have an unorthodox grip for revolvers (used to shooting semi-autos). All I know is that I've tried to follow the instructions from Jerry Miculek's videos on basic revolver grip.

If/When you go buy one, check for 'canted barrel'. Google that term to see pics of what I mean.
I got a 6" stainless GP100 and love it! Got a trigger job by Greg Derr and it's a sweet shooter. Built like a tank. I don't even know how many thousand full house magnum loads I've shot through it and it's still going strong.

The 686 is a nice gun too. I've shot both but I went with the Ruger since it was almost $200 cheaper at Four Seasons. And I think it's built stronger than the S&W but you'd prob have to shoot quite a few magnun loads in the S&W before having any issues?
I personally think the 686 is the nicest 357 revolver around and if you are going to own just one that would be it. I sold mine because I do not shoot revolver often and when I do its my Python (mostly because I just like looking at it) . I also have a S&W 66 snub nosed that is very nice.

Having said that one of my friends shoots revolver in IDPA and he uses a Ruger GP100 that has a Greg Derr trigger job and I am very impressed with it. (And I've shot a GP100 with a stock trigger and do not recommend it)
I have a 4" pre lock 686 and it is awesome. I have a new 4" 629 PC that is with S&W because of a canted barrel. It also is an amazing shooter but the QC on the new guns is not as good as it used to be, that's for sure.
I have a 4" pre lock 686 and it is awesome. I have a new 4" 629 PC that is with S&W because of a canted barrel. It also is an amazing shooter but the QC on the new guns is not as good as it used to be, that's for sure.

for similar reasons, i have lost faith in S&W handguns. i basically put any new S&W handgun on a mini-probation until it proves itself. it's quite mind-blowing that they sell products for upwards of $1.5k all screwed up and poorly built. i feel like their issues go far beyond QC...more like just shotty all around production.

while i'm not a huge fan of ruger auto-loading pistols, their revolvers have been 100% for me. my SP101 and GP100 are built perfectly. Toss in some $10 wolff springs and the trigger pulls become just as good as a PC S&W (some may disagree w me here).
686 was the first gun I bought way back in '93 at Roach's in Cambridge!
I need to bring it out more; definitely don't shoot it enough! But it is always fun to have when bringing new friends to the range!
Spent the day yesterday at some LGS's and looked at plenty of .357 revolvers. I have to say this is going to be a difficult decision. I am leaning toward the 686+ four inch. I like the feel over the GP100 and it has the extra shoot. Also, the 686 wins in a straight beauty contest. I will say the 586 with the wood grips was the best looking one I saw all day.

Have a 3' 686+ and love it. Have had the 2" model in the past and like the 3" better. Shoots well and can be a lot of fun to shoot. Like the Ruger series but I love the 686.
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