S&W Customer Service

Jan 19, 2008
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I am looking for advice/ personal experience. I bought new in 1986 a S&W mdl 29 7+" and have shot it sporadically probably about 1000 + rnds in 23 yrs. Recently it started locking up and would not do anything unless I opened and closed the cylinder. A friend and I took the trip and went to Springfield where I left it off for service expecting to get a notice it was on it's way back in about a month or so. Today I get home from work and there is my letter from Springfield, Smith wants $67 to fix my 29 and they are asking for my approval to proceed. I was shocked ( Colt just fixed my Anaconda bought used for free) is this typical. I have heard many stories of send it back to Smith and they fix it for free no mater what generation owner you are. Let me know what you have experienced as I have to call and let them know. Thanks
Starnge. Back in 2000 I brought my 686 in for repairs,the cylinder locked up on me. When I dropped it off the man taking the info said it would be about a week and nothing much more.
A week later I recevied my 686 via FedEx overnight. In the case was a note stating the problem and the correctoin preformed.
I would call and ask to speak with someone in CS for an explanation of why they want to charge you for a repair.
There customer service is not what it used to be. I had a similar problem with my 686 and got the $67 bill and waited over a month after my "approval". One thing that did for me was make me more weary about buying a used S&W.

I am looking for advice/ personal experience. I bought new in 1986 a S&W mdl 29 7+" and have shot it sporadically probably about 1000 + rnds in 23 yrs. Recently it started locking up and would not do anything unless I opened and closed the cylinder. A friend and I took the trip and went to Springfield where I left it off for service expecting to get a notice it was on it's way back in about a month or so. Today I get home from work and there is my letter from Springfield, Smith wants $67 to fix my 29 and they are asking for my approval to proceed. I was shocked ( Colt just fixed my Anaconda bought used for free) is this typical. I have heard many stories of send it back to Smith and they fix it for free no mater what generation owner you are. Let me know what you have experienced as I have to call and let them know. Thanks
Generally, they'll charge to fix older guns. Considering that their warranty is technically lifetime to the original owner only, I think they do a good job.

In the last two years, I've sent in two guns, and had both repaired free of charge and returned within a week.

Give CS a call and tell them that you're the original owner, my bet is that they'll take care of you.
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Do a little research on S&W.

The company has undergone numerous owners and upon sale, the Ts & Cs of the sale define what LIABILITIES come with the "new company".

Somewhere on the website, S&W defines a cut-off date for free repair coverage. It was either 1986 or 1989 (date of mfr, NOT date you bought it) IIRC.

I paid ~$100 to have S&W repair my 39-2 that I had owned since sometime in the late 1970s. I didn't bitch about it, I just understood what their criteria was and was thankful to have them totally go over the gun plus replace the broken safety lever.
Boy am I disappointed. S&W has been fixing my guns for nothing for years. The last one I sent back was a 6906 that had broken a trigger bar after about 40,000 rounds. I bought the gun about 1990 and sent it in for repairs in 2004 or so. They did the work free. I hope the party isn't over.
Do a little research on S&W.

The company has undergone numerous owners and upon sale, the Ts & Cs of the sale define what LIABILITIES come with the "new company".

Somewhere on the website, S&W defines a cut-off date for free repair coverage. It was either 1986 or 1989 (date of mfr, NOT date you bought it) IIRC.

I paid ~$100 to have S&W repair my 39-2 that I had owned since sometime in the late 1970s. I didn't bitch about it, I just understood what their criteria was and was thankful to have them totally go over the gun plus replace the broken safety lever.

Well this is good to know. This explains why I had no problem 9 years ago but Manomet and others are being charged for services rendered now.
Well I talked to S&W customer service today an was told that only guns made post 1989 are/have being repaired for free for life. ALL others will pay the going rate. I said that I have heard many stories about Smiths great customer service and that they repaired older preowned guns for free and was told "that never happened, we have never done that". I would have sent it to a local gunsmith had I known I would get this kind of treatment, especially after such a positive experience with my Colt.
I have to send my M&P (5 months old) for a FTE problem.. I'm kind of nervous now.. If I have to pay anything, I'm going to have a very expensive paper weight with fiber optic sights..lol
ANYTHING made AFTER 1989 has a LIFETIME warranty or so they say. Good Luck

PLEASE!! What is so hard to understand here (aiming this response generically NOT to any one individual)??????????????

S&W has been owned by Bangor Punta, some British (gun hating) company, etc. and is now once-again owned by Americans who believe in guns.

At each transition of ownership, they negotiate whether they are buying the name only (e.g. Springfield Armory of IL), facility/inventory/name, or all of that PLUS Warranty service on PAST PRODUCTS!

Therefore, the CURRENT owner made a business decision to support guns made from 1989 onward for FREE! Anything before that, they will fix it (if possible and parts are available) but charge to do that.

So if I buy a S&W Antique gun made in 188x, should I really expect free service from S&W 120 years later?

Just try to get Free Support for a 20 year old product made by some other company and see how that goes (VERY rare exceptions like LL Bean excepted). e.g. Contact Sig, Colt, Ruger, Winchester, etc. and see what they do for 20 year old guns that break some part?

Be thankful for what S&W will do for us. If you ask nicely, S&W will pay shipping both ways on post-1989 guns sent for repair. Ask Glock to pay shipping to repair a gun and let me know how that works out (answer is "no way").
S&W repaired my 945 (three times)........The second time it needed service I brought it down there myself. While a seasoned gunsmith from the Performance Center worked diligently on my pistol, a Performance Center Manager gave me a tour of their facilities, engraving shop, museum, and then he handed me back my pistol (repaired) on my way out the door.

The third time, I overnighted it down, they fixed it the next day and overnighted it back to me.

They did not charge for service.

The team that works in the Performance Center gave me exceptional service.
ANYTHING made AFTER 1989 has a LIFETIME warranty or so they say. Good Luck
I've had several S&W handguns repaired by them for zip and overnight shipping, both ways, was on their dime. Turn around time is less than two weeks usually.

I have to send my M&P (5 months old) for a FTE problem.. I'm kind of nervous now.. If I have to pay anything, I'm going to have a very expensive paper weight with fiber optic sights..lol

Failure to eject? Are you sure it's not ammo related?
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