S&W M&P 45c question

Nov 8, 2012
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I know this has been discussed in the past but I wanted to see if there were any further information or tidbits regarding the 45c. According to the MA approved list the 45c is approved. Finding one in MA is near close to impossible.

I have heard mixed things from dealers. Some say it isn't compliant, others say if they ever get them they sell out fast.

As a hypothetical, if I found one in NH or ME, would an FFL and/or dealer pretty much refuse to do the paper work? I really like my M&P 9c but would like it's bigger sibling more so I wager.
Check with the shop they may have the ffl of a dealer here in Ma that will do the transfer. Bought a pistol a few years ago and FS did the transfer no problem. Be aware that you'll be chargesd a fee for the transfer and shipping charges from shop A to shop B. This is assuming that the pistol they have on hand is Ma compliant.
According to the MA approved list the M&P 45c is listed as approved as is the M&P 40c and 9c. What would cause a dealer to say they aren't legal? Just have never seen one or do they have a magic list the rest of us don't know about?
The 45 isn't rare, the MA compliant 45 is. I have been on the lookout for a MA compliant one for 8 months now. The used ones I have seen are stupid money and contacting S&W was absolutely no help.
I ended up buying a 1911.
The 45c is MA compliant buy S&W hasn't built for production the MA compliant ones yet. That's why you won't find one in the GS.
Since they would build this just for the MA market I don't think it's high on there list of things to do.
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They are compliant they are just in VERY short supply nationally, never mind MA. S&W doesnt make enough of them for some reason.

If I find one in NH, it should be fine to have an FFL dealer work with me to purchase it then, right? I know you cannot bring a gun from out of state and "make" it compliant but if the model is compliant already, then I believe I should be good to go. I could be way off base though! Am glad this community is so helpful.
The gun from out of state would not be compliant for a Mass. dealer to sell. It would not have a Mass. trigger or Mass. compliant SKU for sale in Mass. I am not sure you would find a dealer that would help you out. However who knows what a dealer would do for a $25.00 transfer fee.
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