S&W model 42 - Please, help me find one in MA.

Jul 9, 2007
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Like the title says,

Please, help me find a S&W 42 for sale in MA.

The S&W model 42 is from the classic line of pistols.
It is the matt black aluminum hammerless J Frame with the lemon squeezer with wood grips.

Please help me if you get a line on one of these fine little pistols here in MA, the dealer and price if you can recall it.

I just found out that S&W has once again dropped this pistol from their line up (both the model 40 steel & 42 aluminum).
I guess S&W is too busy making handguns with locks, plastic auto pistols, and AR-15's these days to keep some of the week sellers around.

I just called FS Guns, they said they haven't got one in quite a while.
I need to find one ASAP since S&W quit making them.

snubking - no thankis on the 649 no dash.
I'm looking at the model 42 because of the grip safety.

fbirdquik6 - I sent an email to the person in the link above.

For now I am still looking.

fbirdquik6, thanks I went after the one you directed me to on Gun Broker.

I picked up that same one off Gun Broker, NIB for $510.
(after adding the $22 shipping and then removing the $50 S&W military rebate my end cost will be $482.00).
Compare that price to what AAA Guns wanted, $725 plus MA sales tax.
I've got to get the hell out of MA where even most the gun shops try and screw people over.

So for about $100 more than the cost of a normal 637, 638, or 642 (all with locks) I got the pistol I wanted.
My plan is to remove the wood grips and put crimson trace defender grips (open backstrap ones) on it.
An old school J frame with a modern upgrade.
And then the use the model 42 as a pocket gun.
S&W hadn't made this pistol for about 20 years and then about 2007 - 2010 they produced it again.
But for 2011 it is no longer produced by S&W (due too the high cost and poor sales).


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